Wednesday, August 19, 2015


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I went to Centrelink this morning and they told me I have to reapply for my Youth Allowance online... I hate reapplying :( 

Afterward, I went on a mission to hunt the fairy floss machine and I failed :( I searched all of Mt Om and Indro and there was no luck *criesss

After some hunting, I drove all the way to the Goodna to visit Hoa at the phone store and learn how to repairs phone again since I will be working there very soon.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


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I bumped into Vi Dang this morning at the bus stop. We caught the bus together and I got off at the city to do some gifts shopping for a few birthdays. I went everywhere looking for a fairy floss machine and I couldn't find any :( Saad lifee !

While shopping, I bumped into Nam and Jacquelynn and we chilled for awhile until Jacquelynn left and Nam and I walked to Uni. I was working on a project with my group and we got stuck :( it was so hard to make the speaker louder. 

After uni, I bussed it to KG so Nhi can drive me home :) Thank youuu Nhi ! You're the best ! 

I didn't do much tonight.. watched Attack on Titian Live Action and it was alright. 

I am sorry ! It has been a really hectic month for me :( I can't really remember fully what I did every single day but I will try my best to remember.

5-07-2015 -  Sunday

6-07-2015 -  Monday
7-07-2015 - Tuesday
8-07-2015 - Wednesday

9-07-2015 - Thursday
I took work off for a couple of days so I can prepare and help out with my Brother's Wedding. I got woken up pretty early to go to the airport to pick up my Aunty & Uncle from America. Before heading home, we took them to Inala to have lunch then my uncle wanted to "Nhau" so he bought all this Nhau-ing food zzz.

We came home and I didn't want to Nhau with him but he insisted and kept making me drink so we drank a whole bottle of Hennessy :(
Later on during the arvo, I took my relatives to Indro to do some Australia shopping. But they got tired since there barely had any sleep on the flight.

Later on during the night, my other uncle came over and we nhau'ed again zzz. I was forced to drink again FML. NEVER AGAIN DRINKING LIKE THAT T_T

10-07-2015 - Friday
My whole family came over to mine early to help out with preparing food, the wedding gate, flowers and everything pretty much.
In the afternoon, Tai and I went to pick up our Step-Grandma from the airport and holy crap, we were stuck in traffic for two hours on the way home :( We got stuck from the Valley all the way to Oxley "(
During the night, I went over to Nam's place for a family party but I had to go home and back alot to do work at home too :( Weddings are so busy :(
I slept with Thien that night since he needed a place to crash. We slept at my neighbors place :L

11-07-2015 - Saturday
Brother's Wedding
12-07-2015 - Sunday

13-07-2015 - Monday
My family took all the international relatives out to the City and Gold Coast.We took alot of tourist photos and I also got a photo with one of my fears at QUT. I can handle snakes now :) Yaaay !

14-07-2015 - Tuesday
I took another day off work to rest today :) Yaaay ! During Lunch time ish, I went out to Nhi's store to visit her and give her Kingdom Hearts and also 21 Jump Street. We chilled for awhile until I had to go home and rest up. She gave me this sad/cute face as I was leaving and omg, I died on the inside, it was so cuteee :L Oh, and she also put this ugly as pink potatoe thingo on my keys... it's so ugly :L

15-07-2015 - Wednesday
16-07-2015 - Thursday
I had work today and I did overtime so I could stay back and pick up my parents and relatives from the airport. But they flight got delayed so I did alot of overtime instead :L
17-07-2015 - Friday
After work, I went to visit Nhi to give her a Pikachu but once I got to her store, I got a text saying my uncle won't last long so I rushed to the Hospital with Thu and Tai to visit my uncle. When we got there, he still has his mind but he was really tired. His breathing was really hard too :(
18-07-2015 - Saturday
19-07-2015 - Sunday
20-07-2015 - Monday
21-07-2015 - Tuesday
22-07-2015 - Wednesday
Tonight, the whole family get to visit my Uncle's dead body and pray for him at the Funeral home. It was so sad :( I couldn't hold my tears ! Afterward, I went to a HT meeting and I really wasn't in the mood for it since I was still in my sad state.

I came home to a surprise that Nhi got me foood and dropped it off at my house :) I didn't eat anything all day and it was delicious !
23-07-2015 - Thursday
24-07-2015 - Friday
25-07-2015 - Saturday
26-07-2015 - Sunday
27-07-2015 - Monday
28-07-2015 - Tuesday
29-07-2015 - Wednesday
30-07-2015 - Thursday
31-07-2015 - Friday
I got the resignation form for work today and was still deciding whether I should resign or not ;(
Later on at night, I went to church then afterward, we had Chau Thanh The with Thieu Nhi. I prayed so hard that night ! Asking God wheter I should quit work or not...

Afterward, I had to wait for my mum while Nhi had to wait for her so a couple of us chilled for awhile. We piggyback the kids and played around with them. It was tiring but kinda fun-ish.
When I was leaving to my mum's car, I saw Nhi's mum drove and I stopped her and told her that Nhi was still at church LOL. Nhi almost got left behind.

Afterward, Randy and I went out to have a talk....

01-08-2015 - Saturday