Monday, January 1, 2018


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Hiyaaaaa! It has been forever since I have blogged. Looks like we skipped all of 2017 oops but hey, lets make 2018 count!

New year, New me :) I spent today recovering and napping most of the time hehe. My family organised a small family BBQ and we invited our uncle and aunty over. It was really chilled and Cindy and I was tasked with the cooking. 

Mass today was hella packed cause it was the Feast of Mary, Mother of God. After mass, I hit the Casino to test my New Year luck with Thang and Johnny. It was awesome! Made some profit playing on the table Van was dealing at :) We played the dice game and I bet $5 on number 16 to come up and it did. Holy crap, I won 31 times $5. Looks like 2018 will be a great year!