Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 26 - Three types of deserts you enjoy

CHEESECAKEEEEE <3 & Ice cream & Jelly.

Kevin and I decided to ghost people at second break. Ghosted a little asian kid all the way back to his group. :) So funny how Lyhn and Yen turned around and was like "holy shit WTF". LOLOLOL. Then we decided play a spinning game where you have to block your noise and spin around. I was fcked up pretty bad by that game. Super Dizzy afterward.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 25 - Three favorite books

If you can spot Wally, I'll give you $5.

LOL books..umm Where's wally? & The Killer's Tears & Captain Underpants.


Speaking bout books. I don't actually read books anymore. I read Manga now. Manga <3

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 24 - Three things you do before you go to bed

Brushed my teeth, Drink a cup of water and say goodnight to mum/dad if they are still awake.


OMG I went back to Flyff since I saw my cousin playing it today. I lost my account :`( Started again and got to first job. Gonna play it heaps on the weekends. Here I come level 60 Blade. Btw SarahLe went to school today :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 23 - Three places you want to visit

Vietnam & Japan & Korea

Watched the first episode of Iris. It's okay atm. Gonna continue to ep 2 now. Byeeee

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 22 - Three things you are afraid of

Grandpa, STD & losing a family member

Today my youth group had a picnic :) played games and had water fights. We had to treat the little kids cause they had ant bites. After the picnic ended and the kids went home, we then chilled at Indooroopilly for a while then went to Mt Cootha to look at the beautiful city lights.

Day 21 - Three of your guilty pleasures

Trolling, Hiding people bags & something else.


I didn't plan anything to happen today. My youth group teacher came over and it was unexpected. He told me to get change and that we are going out. I quickly got changed and went with him. Turn out we weren't going out but instead we were going to our storage room to clean up. FML. Went to Bunnings to get my cosplay materials then went home. At night the the youth group teachers came over again. So unexpected once again. We were making lollies bags. We made tons of them. Afterward we were hungry so we decided to go to Sunny Bank and eat some yummy food. I am so tired now. Byee.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 20 - Three things the world would be better without

War, Hatred & Revenge


WOO It's Friday again. This week has been so fast. Went all around Inala Civic searching for materials that I can use for my cosplay. Didn't find anything that was good enough. :(

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 19 - Three home-cooked meals you enjoy

Pho, Com Chien & Steak


Had a party at my cousin house today. It was boring so I asked my bro to drive us to Brown Plains which was like 5 min away but he didn't want to go. I then told him that I would shout him something. Then he decided to go. Shouted him a soft serve LOL. I managed to buy two tee and a brand new school shoe. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 18 - Three favorite TV shows

American Dad, Family Guy & Modern family


Nothing fun really happen today other than the fact that I did my popin' cooking. The taste was ewwww. Craving for Sushi right now.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 17 - Three things you want to do before you die

 Travel around the world, become a father && become the Pokemon Master. 

All my exams are over YAY! I'm so happy atm. :) So today Hoc, Huy and Hieu decided to come over to play. It was kind of like a mini party to relax after we had our horrible exams. Played Yu-gi-oh LOL, Marvel vs Capcom 3 and some Nerfshooting. Started to do some random funny as shoot just like in the movies how they have poses with guns LOL. Huy and Hieu started to fart at each others. So fcking disgusting. My room currently stinks like seeds.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 16 - Three that made you happy today

Umm three 'what' that made me happy today?
LOL I'm gonna assume that it's three people that made me happy
Mum & Hong & Huy.

Well last night I was meant to wake up at 3:30 to study but that didn't happen since I woke up and turned my alarm off and went back to sleep. 30 min later my phone rang and I picked up without looking at the name. I was like hello, who's this in a sleepy/tired voice. Hong called me telling me to wake up and study. I like like what?...oh shit MATHS C. Thanks Hong. You saved my life. Maths C Kaps was alright but was so time consuming.

WOO RM 29 is out!
Btw Happy 17th Birthday Thuan!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 15 - Three things you want to say to three different people

I Love you <3, I don't care & STFU!


 Maths C= FML. I'm soo screwed. 
Study mode activated!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 14 - Three important people in your life

Fairy Tail FTW

You, Mum & Dad.


Today I cleaned my room but it wasn't the usual clean my room thing. This time I decided to clean my wardrobe. It took ages to clean it. Took all my clothes out and threw it onto my bed. There were even clothes that I wore 4-6 years ago. There were Power Rangers/Pokemon shirt. Omg It remind me of my past when I wore it. I even found $10. I don't even wear most of the clothing that I had in there so I threw the them into a box with the ones that doesn't fit me anymore. So my wardrobe is now half empty and cleaned. Looks like it's time for some shopping :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 13 - Three places you’ve lived

I once lived here

Vietnam, Brisbane and the Pokemon World.


Art was bludge since we didn't have a teacher in the room. English was bludge. Maths B was the good since we had a sub today. Did a prac for physics which was quite bludge. I was super duper hyper at second break. Went around hiding peoples bag. But when I got home I just died. Used all my energy at school and fell asleep while watching Dream High.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 12 - Three appetizers you enjoy

I enjoy Chicken fingers, Calamari and French fries.



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 11 - Three favorite movies

Lord of the Rings , Battle Royal 1&2 and Pokemon!


Hoc & Huy came over after school. Huy was playing games while Hoc and I had the most intense study ever. We are all set for Maths B tomorrow. Bring it Maths B, I'll take you on! jokes I'm going to die tomorrow. Good luck on your exam you mathematicians.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 10 - Three ways to win your heart

This is hard, okay three ways to win my heart is
  1. Be nice and caring
  2. Talk to me
  3. Make me a sandwich jokes umm Be awesomeeee

My brain died once again. Couldn't concentrate shit all at school and tutor. Fck you stupid headache that constantly appeared throughout the day.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 9 - Three objects you can’t be without

Laptop & My awesome watch & iPod.  

We had our photo taken Today. There was a long as line. Once I got to the front of the line I had to go all the way back to the end cause I didn't have a sticker with my name. Stupid Pedley didn't accept my photo form because it was empty. I started to make a hat out of the form. Hope you guys liked my cool as hat. Btw the person at the back is Hoa which kind of look like Vincent LOL.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 8 - Three words you think others would use to describe you

You have my prayers
People would describe me as skinny, childish and maybe cute.


Today I procrastinate so much sighh. All my animes had been postpone due to the Earthquake in Japan. :( Do not give up japan, I am with you, no We are with you, The world is with you

 Stay safe Japan

We are with you

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 7 - Three colors you like

Baby Blue, Pink & Red

I spent the majority of my day watching "Dream High" when I should be studying for the coming up exams. It's so good. Hooked me straight into it on the first episode.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 6 - Three things on your current to-do list

  1. Download 'December 21 2012 – The End Of The World (documentary film)' for Linhii
  2. Get my P's
  3. Read 'The killer's Tears'
Today was quite a bludge day. Didn't really do much except for the fire drill. We had to sit in the sun for like 20 min. I couldn't handle the sun after a while so I slowly stood up and sneak over to another form class and sat behind a teacher who was standing behind his form class. Best shade I have ever had. The teacher kept on moving so I had to move with him LOL.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 5 - Three breakfast foods you enjoy

Pancakes, egges and Cereal.


Maths B - KAPS was okay I suppose. Now to study for MAPS sigh.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 4 - Three favorite songs right now

My three favorite songs atm are Bigbang - Tonight, Lupe Fiasco - I Don't Wanna Care Right now and Nexx Chapter - Part Time. (8)


Maths exam tomorrow. Good luck everyone with their maths.
Bring it Maths B - KAPS, I will take you on!
Btw Happy Seventeen Birthday Neilson!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 3 - Three things that happened today

So I've been eating 4-5 bowls of rice each night for a week and I haven't gotten any bit heavier, Wtf is this? Fck you stomach and your fast metabolism. Anyways Three things that happened today are :
  1. Tony Birthday; Happy Seventeen Birthday Tony! (^)
  2. We played the Rage game. (Whenever someone rages in the rectangle box, the Asians attacked them)
  3. My Tamagotchi died :`(

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 2 - Three facts about yourself

  1. I am awesome!
  2. I transform into hyper mode when I eat sugar.
  3. I lived in a family of four.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Life is a Benediction

 My day consist of :
  • Tutor
  • Trimming my hair
  • Sat on the laptop doing nothing
  • Two epic game of LoL (League of legends)
  • Study a bit
  • Ate homemade Pho
  • Clean room
  • Went over to cousin and fixed his computer

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pinnacles of Life

On the way to 102 it started to rain which is gay but at least it was much cooler than yesterday. Smell of rain <3
My youth group Boss can over for dinner then played Chinese Chess with my dad. I've been watching my dad played for many of times but I still don't understand how to play. Running Man ep 28 YAY :). Only VIP users can download it ASDFLAMISAWESOMETDFDFJ It will be out in approx 16 hours and 9 min for non-vip. I Can't wait that long.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Evanescent Beauty

Nexx Chapter - Part Time (8)

The Seniors had a Ceremony that went for an hour and a half. It was quite humid in the Old Hall. The talk was boring but it was worth it. Missed out on Maths B and half of Chem. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ephemeral Dream

Happy Birthday Mande!! (^)

I was extremely tired at school. Didn't had much sleep last night due to the loud storm and waking up early to study for Physics. The exam was okay.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata - It means worries for the rest of you day

My day was alright other than the fact that it was really hot.
Physics exam tomorrow D: I am so not ready for it.