Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 16 - Three that made you happy today

Umm three 'what' that made me happy today?
LOL I'm gonna assume that it's three people that made me happy
Mum & Hong & Huy.

Well last night I was meant to wake up at 3:30 to study but that didn't happen since I woke up and turned my alarm off and went back to sleep. 30 min later my phone rang and I picked up without looking at the name. I was like hello, who's this in a sleepy/tired voice. Hong called me telling me to wake up and study. I like like what?...oh shit MATHS C. Thanks Hong. You saved my life. Maths C Kaps was alright but was so time consuming.

WOO RM 29 is out!
Btw Happy 17th Birthday Thuan!

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