Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shivering Soul

WOOO QCS IS OVER ! No more QCS lessons. Yay :) but sorry guys... I'm dragging you guys down.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gold Digger

Sat the the first part of QCS Today. The concept for the writing task was Gold and all I talked about was Technology. I fcked up LOL. I got heaps of B's for part 1 of the multiple choice test. During the exam I was like 'Wtf .... is this meant to be all b's or am I doing something wrong here? '.

Tried out the steak at Kj's today. It was alright but was quite expensive. Tiffany bought Hoc and I $3 Umbrellas from the reject shop since all of us were gonna walk home in the rain. Hoc and I went outside of Inala Civic in the massive huge storm. Took two steps outside and the wind man. So effing strong. Almost blew both our umbrella away and broke Hoc's umbrella. That what we get for buying $3 umbrellas. So we retreated back inside the civic and chilled until the rain wasn't as heavy as it was.

Short Response and #2 Multiple choice tomorrow. Bring it on ! Here I come bitches.

Monday, August 29, 2011

F*ckin' Perfect

So many people was away today due to Chem, Bio and Heath. Library was packed as. Took half of the lunch break just to print my assignment out. 
QCS tomorrow. Bring it ! You're going down !

Stupid Sayings


Saturday, August 27, 2011

I Remember

Woo I finally put some music on my iPod which I couldn't be bother doing for a whole term. Time for some music on the bus. YAY

Friday, August 26, 2011

Oh! My Goddess

We had this Mighty Mind dude who came to our school to talk about the QCS. It was so boring and repetitive.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Lonely Shepherd

I kept thinking that today is Friday, dunno why. Probably because of the Maths B exam. Even Mr Rehder thought today was Friday.

Rise To The Top



Tuesday, August 23, 2011

From Sunset to Sunrise

The weather pattern today was weird. Rained for like 5 minutes then stop then rain again then stop.

Share the Vision

Today was a pretty good day. Had two subs. Lunch was better than usual. This week is gonna one hella of a week. So much stuff is due which means so many day of allnighting.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Save The World

Had a youth meeting after youth school. It was 2 hours long. So boring but at least it was about camp. Hey Maths C, FU ! Don't let me see your face again or else..or else you will be fcked up.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Outro Flow

Cleaned my room and cardboard today. I came to realized that I need more pants and I have too many shirts. Spent most of my time watching My Princess. Pretty funny drama I must say.

Friday, August 19, 2011

There Goes My Baby

So Jack and I decided to walk to school today and we freaken did it. Took us two hours tho. We picked up Hogan at his place and then took small adventures around Oxley and Corinda, Yay adventures :). Walked to no through roads and had to turn back every time LOL. Pretty fun walk I would say. It was so effing cold at 6:20. My whole body was frozen whilst walking to jack place.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Light the Fire

Redecorate my wall today. Looks prettier than before. I currently have $5 total. So poor :( Need to start saving up again.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

See Through The Rain

  • Cousin came over
  • DFO
  • Sushi
  • Subway
  • Bubble tea
  • Walked to Forest Lake then walked back to Inala. Why? Because we can.
  • Anime
  • Games
  • Photoshopped

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Knowing that we don't have school tomorrow, I put myself into a relaxing state today. Just chilled in all my classes and didn't really do much.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Took out my girl power today and sewed my bag up. YAY. Rise and be reborn Pumato (Pumato is my bag name LOL). *Cast revive* oh mighty Pumato, lead me your strength to carry my books.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Holy Lance, Ravelt

A Holy Lance forged by the greatest blacksmith in Edolas. Its attack brings ultimate destruction that resounds out into the land.
hmm... Procrastinate the whole day again. Mum bought home nice food for dinner. I'm happy with the food I have eaten but the workload of crap I haven't touch is making me argg.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Armadura Faerie

I planned to do so many things today but didn't even touch them. I'm so lazy as crap. Needa stop procrastinating.

  • Chores
  • Anime
  • Manga
  • Assignments
  • Buy stuff
  • Nap
  • Study
  • Clean room
  • Sew school bag up
  • Maccas
  • Babysit

Friday, August 12, 2011

Hanging Onto Clouds

I haven't blog about my subject in a while so here how it went 
Art - Pretty chilled as usual. Help the girls with their arts.

First Break - Went to Lab to do chem EEI.

English - I did so crap in the exam but at least it is over and done with.

Maths B - Mrs Biedak brainstorm the who probability topic in one whole lesson since Mr Santa Claus didn't teach us anything. During the lesson Hoc and I played a drawing game. We had to draw something in a min and see which one looks better. We drew Chopper, Kuma, Reborn, Goku and other anime characters. It was quite hard since we only had a min and the teacher was keeping her eyes on us. The drawing turns out to be so funny since we rushed it.

Second break - Lab again....

Physics - Pretended to do work but just sat there waiting for time to flow past.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


This week has been so stressful. So many things were due. So many night staying up. I cannot wait till holidays, gonna be so stress-free.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


My body is feeling weird and idk why but it's shaking and it's cold. Must been from the lack of sleep in the past few weeks.

So Cool

English you're such a bitch. I couldn't find much anecdote for my topic and it's a bit too late to change topic now so I'm just gonna do whatever.

Monday, August 8, 2011

One Ring to Rule Them All

Lord of the Rings Marathon with my bro when I got home from school. oh man how I can never get bored of LOTR. I must say this is like my 5th time watching LOTR. It never creases to amaze me. If you haven't seen it, I recommend you watch it when ever you have the free time. It soooo epic~


My cousin came over for a bit and told me he was gonna go get a haircut. I told him to let me cut it. His response was "No, fck off I don't want you to fck my hair up". So he walked to Inala to get a haircut. Two hours later he came back and begged me to fixed his hair since the hairdresser fck it up real bad. They trimmed one of his side burns and left the other. I was like" LOL, are you gay?" I only managed to fixed his hair abit since I don't want to cut it any shorter.

So I didn't do any school work during the day and now I'm so regretting it.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Trimmed my hair today. I think I've stuffed up my hair again. Couldn't see the back so I just randomly cut whatever I felt that was long.

I was planning to do my assignments all day but then mum told me to do heaps of chores and help her with stuff. So then I was gonna do school work at night but then again I had some guests come over and I didn't get any time to do them. Now I cbb to do anything. Tomorrow gonna be a day full of study + work and I also have school tomorrow. Please Lam, Do no procrastinate tomorrow and do your work.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Brought my Fiberglass kit to school so Hannah can do her art. We did it but we got in trouble for using it and bringing it to school because if you breathe in the chemical it can damage your lungs and yea.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mr Simple

I'm tired, sleeeeppy, sick and this non-stopping headache just doesn't wanna stop hurting me. I would sleep it off if I can but I've to stay up again.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Without You

I'm hungry.....Someone go cook me something nice pleaseee~

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dreams Money Can Buy

 Nothing much happened today. Found out that Hannah's mum used to go to English school with my mum LOL. Her mum basically know my family except for me. Chilled at subway with Hoc, Alex and Tiff after school. There were like only three people lining up and only one person was working so it took like 30 mins just to get our food.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Don't Wanna Go Home

I'm way too tired to stay up another night. But I have an assignment to do sigh. I want sleep so bad.

Can't Let You Go

So I'm up late again doing assignments. I needa stop leaving things to last minute. So much work to do and I haven't really started anything yet. School is such a bitch now