Saturday, July 4, 2015

Best Day Ever !!!

My Thoart hurts, I am cold

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2-07-2015 - Thursday

Nothing really happened today except for the fact that I went to work. Watched a few epic moments of Fairy Tail and Naruto again and it was still epic :) 

3-07-2015 - Friday

My parents left my brother and myself at home again so we decided to go eat Hungry Jack's that recently opened in Richlands. Now Inala finally have everything ! Maccas, Kfc, Red Rooster and Hungry Jack !! 

4-07-2015 - Saturday

Today was awesome. I was invited out to eat dinner with Nhi and Jacquelynn. I can't believe they invited me... I feel so honored!!! Like I totally can't believe I can hang out with two beautiful gurlz. So Me and Jacquelynn decided to eat yum cha and when Nhi picked me up, we had decide where to go... So we had to decide between going to fortitude Valley and Sunnybank... And we decided to go Yimi's at Sunnybank... Then half way I decided I wanted to go Valley so Nhi had to take the longest way ever to the Valley. Then we went to Kings of Kings but they were closed.. but really they just changed names to China fucking house. 

So we decided to go Wagaya instead but they were booked out till 9 :'( so we had to go to fucking China house. And holy fuck it was the best place ever ! Fucking 10 out of 10 fucking piece of shit. So we decided to just order two plates and leave but no, the fucking waiter had to be all $15 minimum so we had to order more food from its ever so limited menu. Like holy fuck, how does a yumcha menu not have BBQ Rice paper rolls. Food was so bad it was a fucking crime to eat it. I mean we couldn't even finish it !!! Then we wanted Free Style Tout for dessert but it was closed. (This the words of Goddess Nhi, Praise to the Goddess Nhi !)

(My turn to typee !) We then headed back to Sunnybank and went to CoCo Jungle and had some nice desserts :) We chilled and talked for awhile. It was nice :)

oh and before I went to dinner, I was helping my family move furniture and stuff around the house :( It was tiring but we gotta do it to prepare for my Brother's wedding. And whatever Nhi typed was pretty true, we went everywehre haha it was so funny ! And the Yum Cha wasn't great T_T But the company was :) and omg, Free Style Tout is closed :( My life is over~

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


There will be haters, Doubters, Non-believers, and then there will be you, proving them wrong.
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31-06-2015 - Tuesday

It was pretty fun training the Brazilian Intern since I get to talk to them while working :) 
I was meant to go home but got tempted by a couple of people to go Ice staking :( Apparently, If I didn't go, the others people wouldn't so they pressured me to go. 

It was pretty fun. Only a few of us went though, Randy, Leon, Kim, Nhi, Marten, Linh and Td :( Kinda regretted it cause I got home late and missed out on chest day :L 

1-07-2015 - Wednesday

So I took a nap after work today and when I woke up, I found a note and $10. It told me to go get something to eat... My family left me again and went out to eat :( They always do this... maybe I am not really apart of this family haha. I decided to not spend their money and cooked up Tuna :)