Wednesday, July 1, 2015


There will be haters, Doubters, Non-believers, and then there will be you, proving them wrong.
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31-06-2015 - Tuesday

It was pretty fun training the Brazilian Intern since I get to talk to them while working :) 
I was meant to go home but got tempted by a couple of people to go Ice staking :( Apparently, If I didn't go, the others people wouldn't so they pressured me to go. 

It was pretty fun. Only a few of us went though, Randy, Leon, Kim, Nhi, Marten, Linh and Td :( Kinda regretted it cause I got home late and missed out on chest day :L 

1-07-2015 - Wednesday

So I took a nap after work today and when I woke up, I found a note and $10. It told me to go get something to eat... My family left me again and went out to eat :( They always do this... maybe I am not really apart of this family haha. I decided to not spend their money and cooked up Tuna :) 

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