Sunday, November 15, 2015


Happy 21st Birthdaaay Teresa ! 
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I started writing up my Au Nhi exam today but I didn't get to finish it since my cousins; Anthony, Nam and Jason came over to chill for awhile. We just talk pretty much which was pretty nice since I haven't done that for awhile :)

Afterward, I head over to Paul's to discuss with him some of our Thieu Nhi stuff which was nice :) he also helped me practice with my Bai Doc for tomorrow. Thank you Paaaaul ! I left him to go pick up my sister up from work then headed home to get ready for Teresa's 21st at Sway Cocktail Bar & Lounge. 

Ronnie picked Randy, Mande, Tony and myself up and we headed to the Valley. The place was pretty nice :) There wasn't much Corinda people though but we managed to chill with a couple of us :) Vokda Sunrise is soo good to me for some reason :) I love it ! 

Afterward, we were kinda hungry so we headed to Hungry Jack's in Richlands. Bumped into Huy there and saw Hoa drive past the drive thur :L It's funny cause we were all in like in suits and we waved at him hahaha. 

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