Friday, June 6, 2014


Work today was pretty alright. I played with Cee for awhile. She is this quite little girl at Inala who stays there while her papa play chess. She's so cutee ! I want a daughter like her ! For some reason, working today went by quite fast ! :) After work, I went to dance practice and omg ! Ai-van and I practiced so much ! After our dance group were done, Ai-van and Vi went back to mine to practice more ! I was so tired ! :( But it was a good practice I must say :) 

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Today was a good day ! Good day to enjoy life and not study at all :( Sighh ! First off, I went out to Inala with Randy to meet up with Tony and his mum. We then went all the way to North Lakes to go to Costco ! It was such a long drive :( But when we made it ! It was omg ! Most of the items there was pretty cheap but I was abit disappointed of how small it was though. 

Tony and I went around getting free food samples cause we were so hungry ! We bumped into Pumba and Chuong there too ! Did quite alot of shopping and we managed to get two full massive shopping trolley. After shopping, we ate there and omg ! The food was so cheeeap ! And the pizza was massive ! We couldn't even finish it ! 

We came back to Inala to unload most of the items then off home we goo ! Tonight, I went for a jog around Trung Tam then stayed back to watch some of the Ht's and Dt's practice their dance. Afterward, I took Vi, Randy and Loc out to Inala so Loc's parents can come and pick him up from there. While waiting, we played Volley ball and had some fun :) 

After he left, I took Randy and Vi to the gym for some good pump :) I am soh tired right now and didn't do any study today :( Wahh ! 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


After dropping my dad off at work, I got a call from my mum saying she wasn't feeling well so I drove up to her work place to pick her up. Spent my day taking her to the doctors and around Inala. After I came home, I ate my half finished breakfast for lunch :L then got my study on ! Did quite alot of reading which was good :) also some note taking ! 

After studying, I intended to take a 20 min nap which turned out to be 3 hours of sleep :( Nuu ! Woke up and it was time for dinner. Went back to studying after and I only did abit until I got side tracked and procrastinate so much ! 

I am going to read some lectures slides tomorrow while at work :) 

Monday, June 2, 2014


30/05/2014 - Friday

I woke up late today and manged to get on work just in time :) Work was alright today. Binh came out and chilled most of the day cause he wanted me to give him a lift home :L Tai, Thu, Nam, Kevin also came out in the afternoon and we had like a cousins gathering :L 

After work, I went to dance practice ! We finally started our Hip Hop dance and it was pretty good tonight. We managed to get some moves and formations done :) Gotta practice alot more though. After dancing, a couple of us went back to Hoa's to eat KFC and play poker. It was pretty fun and we played till late ! 

31/05/2014 - Saturday

During work, Randy and I played Chinese chess and we were pretty noob :( Andy came and smashed us :L After work, I took Vivian and Van out to eat Kbbq :) Yum ! We stopped by Casamia Paris after for dessert and it was so expensive but it looked so nice ! After pigging out, we went back to Vivian's place and watched Paranormal Activity 4. It wasn't that scary :L

1/06/2014 - Sunday

Woke up early and went out to Inala with Anthony to get drinks for the tuckshop since Hoa was busy. Thieu Nhi was the same same ! Afterward, Steven came and taught us a cherography for Marry Me. It was a pretty awesome dance I must say ! We gotta practice heaps more though ! Thanks Steven ! After dancing, Td and I headed back to mine to meet up with the Ky Yeu Team and do work on the book. :( I was so dead tired ! 

2/06/2014 - Monday

I finished one of my assignment today :) Yaay ! Also did some studies for the upcoming exams ! I gotta do more though but it's so hard to study ! Someone save me or be a study buddy with meee !