Monday, June 29, 2015


Juliano was his name
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At work today, I was asked to teach this guy from Brazil who is doing an intern. It's fun talking to him and he's a nice fella :) He is also studying the same thing as me at QUT :)

I didn't do much at home though, apart from anime and eating :L Oh and my brother got his brand new car today. His new family Corolla ! I wonder what he's going to name it. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015


 My personal Stripper 

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27-06-2015 - Saturday

I spent my whole day from 10am to 6pm at Trung Tam working for Thieu Nhi with Phap :( We assemble the compatus and we also moved every single cupboards that belongs to Thieu Nhi to a new area at the Quan Pho. Khang and Martin helped out for abit in the morning and Td came later in the arvo. If only we had more people who came and help out, it would had been finished alot earlier. 

Afterward, I went out with a couple of the guys to celebrate Hai's Bachelor Party. We went to Reef's Seafood and Sushi at Gasworks and ate the most expensive seafood ever. It was amazing !! After filling our tummy, we headed back to Andy's place for Poker night and it was pretty fun :) 

I came home and realised I had to finish writing up my exam papers for the Au Nhi kids today since they have they exams. Pretty much did an allnight :L 

28-06-2015 - Sunday

Nothing much really happened today. The kids did they exam and there was one question that everyone found hard but I recall doing so much revision about it :( Phap and I was meant to round up people to move stuff from the storeroom to the Compatus but we were like ceebs.

I tried to clean my room tongiht, only did like 3/10 of it though :( I can't find the motivation to clean again T_T

Friday, June 26, 2015

Sleepless Nights

Sleep is for the weak but the strong also need sleep.
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Yaaay it's Fridaaaaay ! I had a "chao" with Thieu Nhi today and it was alot better than last time :) Or maybe last time I was just really sick :L Afterwards, a couple of us went to Indroopilly to eat kebabs and watch Inside out. I wasn't in the mood of a movie so I went home after dinner. Started watching some Running Man again and it is still funny :) 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Just Do It

Happy Birthday Kim Long ! 
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I felt alot more awake this morning but still sleepy :( There wasn't much to do at work today so I ended up helping the packing people do an urgent order. 

My mum and brother went out shopping tonight and left me and dad at home. Daddy was kinda lazy to cook so we went out to Inala to eat "Com Ga Hai Nam". I couldn't go to Kim Long's Surprise Birthday Dinner tonight since I have work tomorrow and I really need to catch up on all of my beauty sleep. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Worst Generation

Sacrifice everything for the road you need to take 
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My eyes has been so dead during work :( Those 4:30am morning are slowly killing me :( I will try to sleep super duper early tonight. Why is it so hard to sleeep?

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Void Days

It's been a long day without you my blog. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.

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31st October 2014   -   23rd July 2015.

It has been way too long since I posted anything :(
Pretty much like half a year so I am just going to write up a list of events that happened throughout my life during these days. I will call it the "Void Days" (Reference from One Piece "Void Century" :D )

  • My favorite Uncle came back to Australia to visit and celebrated his 10th year priesthood. 
  • Another trip back to my hometown :) VIETNAAAAM !
  • I'm finally 21 now ! Celebrated and got wasted :) 
  • Celebrated a few 21st :)
  • Got a Full time job at Noja Power :)
  • Slowly running out of time to do anything T_T
  • Celebrated Thieu Nhi 31st LBM
  • Went to TN Cap II Camp at Sydney
  • Went to Canberra to celebrated Aunty & Uncle's 25th anniversary.

I will show you alot of photos, cause pictures are worth more than words :)
Also, I'll try to post every single day again :)

Cau Manh's 10th Year priesthood


Family Time :)

Mah 21st Birthday :)

Kristy's  21st!

There is alot more photos but I ceebs :( Way to many to cover for six months.