Sunday, June 28, 2015


 My personal Stripper 

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27-06-2015 - Saturday

I spent my whole day from 10am to 6pm at Trung Tam working for Thieu Nhi with Phap :( We assemble the compatus and we also moved every single cupboards that belongs to Thieu Nhi to a new area at the Quan Pho. Khang and Martin helped out for abit in the morning and Td came later in the arvo. If only we had more people who came and help out, it would had been finished alot earlier. 

Afterward, I went out with a couple of the guys to celebrate Hai's Bachelor Party. We went to Reef's Seafood and Sushi at Gasworks and ate the most expensive seafood ever. It was amazing !! After filling our tummy, we headed back to Andy's place for Poker night and it was pretty fun :) 

I came home and realised I had to finish writing up my exam papers for the Au Nhi kids today since they have they exams. Pretty much did an allnight :L 

28-06-2015 - Sunday

Nothing much really happened today. The kids did they exam and there was one question that everyone found hard but I recall doing so much revision about it :( Phap and I was meant to round up people to move stuff from the storeroom to the Compatus but we were like ceebs.

I tried to clean my room tongiht, only did like 3/10 of it though :( I can't find the motivation to clean again T_T

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