Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mr. Taxi

Spent some time on my Maths C assignment. Afterward I Cleaned my laptop folder and make everything more organized. Now everything on my desktop look much neater and nicer than before. So now I don't have to spend like 5-10 min just to look for a single file. It saved me a lot of time.

Friday, April 29, 2011

You already had me

I was so tired at school today. Head was down most of the time. Yayers it's a long weekend this week :)

Was it all just a dream?

Sup Wilson

Okay this time it's 1:18 AM and I haven't progress on my physics yet. I am so screwed. Just finish having sex with English. Time to have sex with Physics now. FU PHYSICS. So freaking tired atm.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Something to Crow about

^ Me in the morning.
It's 12:36 AM, it's so cold and I've just finish my Maths B. Time for Physics and English now Sighhhh. I was already tired after the first day back at school and now all these assignments that I didn't do in the holidays are killing me. FML

Tuesday, April 26, 2011




So I thought English and Maths B were due tomorrow so I fully stressed out about doing them today. Later on I found out that they aren't due til Thursday and Friday. FML 
School tomorrow Yay -sarcasm- The holidays went so quick, haven't even finish updating myself with anime/drama/music.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Cosmos Warriors Vs Chaos Warriors

Spent most of my day playing Final Fantasy Dissidia 012 when I should have been doing my assignments. I'm so screwed

Go away


My aunty rent a house at the Gold Coast for a week. Went there just then to fish, talk and chill. I didn't catch any fish. FML. I am so tired. Gonna hop to bed now. Good nights, Sweet dreams (no homo)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I am back

Randy is back

Started on my Maths B assignment today. Didn't finish it but did more than half of it. So I am happy I did some of it. I was bored at night so I started become a troll once again. This time it wasn't the troll that lives under a bridge and loves to eat goats. Its the other troll. Trolling is so frigging fun. Once again I become Randy. Managed to troll quite a few people until I told them it was me. Some people are so smart that I couldn't even fool them at the start.

Friday, April 22, 2011

He will have his revenge

The hands of death could not defect him, The sisters of fate could not hold him. And you will not see the end of this day. He will have his revenge

Spent most of my time today playing God of War III. This game is so epic. It hooked me into it in the very first 5 min of the game. So good. The graphics is so much better than God of war I & II on PS2. Gonna spend the rest of the holidays playing this and doing my boring assignments.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Written in the Stars


Slept most of the day then went to Sunny Banks with the youth teachers for some Nando's and Pool.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

a2n tiger

 El Fatty = Hoa LOL

Laserforce today was awesome and fun. So many kids though. There were one kid in particular that I hate. All the others were pretty cool. That one kid was raging at Hong and me for shooting at him. Like wtf dude it's just a game. He then rage at me again for shooting at him while he was camping on the top floor. Chilled at city afterward. 

I should be starting to do my assignments now but cbf.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Water + Electric = Good Game

So my aunty went to the coast for three days so my mum and I had to temporary take over their shop. Work today was boring as crap. I found out that all the Chinese customer always ask for a discount.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I Go Crazy Because of You

One day, my sword will look like day it will

Started on my cosplay weapon today. Took 2 hours just to scale it up and drew it out. 
Watched Running Man ep 32 and others bunch of crap. Spent some time on my PS3 and that is basically all I did today.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Trail of eggs

So Colourful


We had an Easter day at our youth group today. First of all the little kids had a drawing completion where they would have to draw something about Easter on their Easter paper bag. I also participate in the competition. The first three who had the best drawing gets a Easter bunny. I came first LOL. Afterward we had an Easter hunt. We hid Easter eggs everywhere. I created a trail of Easter eggs for them to follow, when they reach the end of the trail I would be hiding behind a wall and I manage to scare two kids who happen to follow my trail of eggs. LOL So funny. Later on we played games. I don't really like eating chocalates much so I gave my Easter bunny and eggs to my gramps.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

White Tiger

Watched this movie (Marrying the Mafia 2) like a billion time and every time i watch it, it's still funny as shit

Went to cemetery to visit my grandma with my grandpa and mum. Afterward went over to my uncle house for a family party. Was quite boring since all we basically did was eat, talk, watched Pokemon - Giratina and the Sky Warrior the 11th movie, sleep, woke up and went home.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I Made it

Teletubbies, oh how I missed them.


Went out with everyone in 2dn ( except for Tony, Huy and TD) Went to Fortitude Valley and ate Yum Cha at Kings of Kings. Once we all sat down we ordered 2 jugs of coke. Once the two jugs arrived, the coke instantly vanish. That's how thirsty and hungry we were since we ate at 1ish. Every single dish we got we had to grab 4 of each since there were 12 of us. Such a big group. 

The waiter there was so friendly and cool. We ate so quick and fast that it's not even funny. It was funny how when someone stood up and walk to the bathroom, everyone else stared at that person to see if he's gonna leg it or not. LOL 

While eating we all had the feeling of shitting ourself once we saw the pay check.  Turns out it was only $20 each. Pretty decent for some good food. We were all mostly full. I reckon it was the 6 jugs of coke rather then the food that made us full. Chilled at Timezone for a while then went home.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Grade 12 Term 1 Completed

When I grow up, my car is gonna look like this ^


YAY holidays :D
Assignments WOOOO It's gonna be so much fun - sarcasm-
School was relaxing. Anzac Ceremony was short which was quite good since it was getting boring. Went around with tackling people to the ground today. Playing Pokemon Online with the boys atm. Gonna catch up on my drama's and anime's during this short holidays.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


 Vac, I love you.


Grandpa came home once again. My uncle came over to visit my grandpa. he also gave my family this iRobot thing. I didn't have a clue what it was until he used it. It was a robot vacuum. It's so frickin awesomee. I named it Vac. Now I don't have sweep the floor ever again. Thank you Vac for doing one of my chores.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Robot Shoe

One day I'll be the owner of this ^


School was boring as usual. Played OMGPOP with the 2dn boys. It was so fun. Watched The Chrnicles of Narnia : The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It was alright.

Monday, April 11, 2011


So kyooot!


 I am gonna talk about my subjects today. Haven't done this in awhile.

Physic - Ms Lanham had a talk with all the grade 12's physics students about our ERT assignment. I was half listening to her since I was very tired. Almost fell asleep.

Maths C - Hieu gave me lollies that managed to hype me up a bit. Bludged once again in MAC.

English - Listened to orals while trying to stay awake.

IPT - Had the best IPT lesson ever. It was fun fun fun. Went out to the undercover area and had The "IPT Sport Carnival". We had races such as jumping races and hopping race. Each team consist of three members. This Carnival was meant to assist us with our assignment but it didn't help me one single bit.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Better off alone



I was suppose to do my English today but, but I fell asleep and woke up in Cbf mode. 

Happy Birthday Sang!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Love Song

I hate this love song, I hate this love song (8)


Didn't really do much today cept sleeping and eating. Went to Inala and chilled there for a bit also Happy Birthday Randy!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Stupid Liar

Bigbang - Stupid Liar


So Kevin Le show Denne and me this video. It was fcken gross. Watched 4 min of it and my mind blew up already. The Video goes for an hour. Luckily the laptop ran out of battery or else I would be scar for life.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

One night

Nexx Chapter – One Night (8)


I am glad QCS Practice exams are over. Omg I have been talking nap after school and it's taking up all my time. From now on I shall not take one single nap after school. That's a promise.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Speaking In Tongue

So kawaii

QCS Exam was ugh. Went over the word limit for the writing task. How the fck did I end up writing 1.5k words. HOW!?. The second exam was ...... Started to randomly guess some questions when I got to the 37th question. The light was annoying as. It was dark for a while then everything started to turn bright for a sec then dark again then bright then dark. So freaking annoying.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 31 - Three ways you bid farewell

Say Byeeee, Wave~ or fold my arms and bow my head down and say bye


Today was my parents 25th anniversary so we went out and ate. Afterward I procrastinate so much. Not looking forward to Practice QCS Test tomorrow but at least it's better than doing normal school works.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 30 - Three life lessons you’ve learned so far

So far it's
  1. Never walk to cemetery by yourself at midnight (Scary shit)
  2. Never give up
  3. No coffee/nodoz before sleeping

Dreamworld was fun fun fun fun. Managed to go on 5 thrill rides. Skipped English. :) Had a quick nap which turns out to be a 3 hours nap.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 29 - Three things that you look for in a partner

Personality, looks & attitude


Craving for cheesecake right naw. WOO Dreamworld tomorrow. Which means I have one week to train up to level 15 to f*ck up English oral. Bring it level 99 A Current Affair oral task.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 28 - Three things you like about yourself.

So cuteee (ignore my bed sheet)

I am asian & Awesome & getting hyper easily

WOO Supernova was awesomeee. Kirby <3 Ronnie sister, Rebecca cosplay was fabulous. She did Nariko from Heavenly Sword. Ronnie cosplayed as the scary Kakuzu, Mande cosplayed the beautiful Tifa and Randy was a Fail Tobi LOL I cosplayed as Reno from Final Fantasy VII. Bought 2 plush toys and a pillow. Stay at supernova til 5ish then went to city. OMG I was in my cosplay and everyone at the city looked at me. Took my wig off and like 30ish bobby pin fell out. My hair was a total mess after I took the wig off. Ate at Little Singapore. I swear that place food poison Hannah and I. She ate her food then I tried some of it. Afterward we both had stomach ache FML.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 27 - Three crazy things you wouldn’t mind doing

Skydiving, umm this is hard...wear girl uniform to school ummm  Crossplay (Same thing as cosplaying cept you have to cosplay the opposite sex)

Went to eat at Sunny Bank for my uncle birthday. Then fun house but I didn't want to spend much since I am saving it up for Supernova tomorrow. It got bored so my cousin and I decided to go to Kmart to look around. Can't wait for tomorrow.