Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 28 - Three things you like about yourself.

So cuteee (ignore my bed sheet)

I am asian & Awesome & getting hyper easily

WOO Supernova was awesomeee. Kirby <3 Ronnie sister, Rebecca cosplay was fabulous. She did Nariko from Heavenly Sword. Ronnie cosplayed as the scary Kakuzu, Mande cosplayed the beautiful Tifa and Randy was a Fail Tobi LOL I cosplayed as Reno from Final Fantasy VII. Bought 2 plush toys and a pillow. Stay at supernova til 5ish then went to city. OMG I was in my cosplay and everyone at the city looked at me. Took my wig off and like 30ish bobby pin fell out. My hair was a total mess after I took the wig off. Ate at Little Singapore. I swear that place food poison Hannah and I. She ate her food then I tried some of it. Afterward we both had stomach ache FML.

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