Friday, April 15, 2011

I Made it

Teletubbies, oh how I missed them.


Went out with everyone in 2dn ( except for Tony, Huy and TD) Went to Fortitude Valley and ate Yum Cha at Kings of Kings. Once we all sat down we ordered 2 jugs of coke. Once the two jugs arrived, the coke instantly vanish. That's how thirsty and hungry we were since we ate at 1ish. Every single dish we got we had to grab 4 of each since there were 12 of us. Such a big group. 

The waiter there was so friendly and cool. We ate so quick and fast that it's not even funny. It was funny how when someone stood up and walk to the bathroom, everyone else stared at that person to see if he's gonna leg it or not. LOL 

While eating we all had the feeling of shitting ourself once we saw the pay check.  Turns out it was only $20 each. Pretty decent for some good food. We were all mostly full. I reckon it was the 6 jugs of coke rather then the food that made us full. Chilled at Timezone for a while then went home.

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