Monday, April 11, 2011


So kyooot!


 I am gonna talk about my subjects today. Haven't done this in awhile.

Physic - Ms Lanham had a talk with all the grade 12's physics students about our ERT assignment. I was half listening to her since I was very tired. Almost fell asleep.

Maths C - Hieu gave me lollies that managed to hype me up a bit. Bludged once again in MAC.

English - Listened to orals while trying to stay awake.

IPT - Had the best IPT lesson ever. It was fun fun fun. Went out to the undercover area and had The "IPT Sport Carnival". We had races such as jumping races and hopping race. Each team consist of three members. This Carnival was meant to assist us with our assignment but it didn't help me one single bit.

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