Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fall For Your Type

Every moment is an experience 
My dad told my brother and I to try this new Thailand snack. As soon as we took the first bite, we both ran towards the bin. It tasted so weird. It was sweet and sour at first then it became bitter and more bitter. Afterward he told my mum to try it aswell. My brother and I lied to her and said it tasted good as. Turns out after she try it. She said it was good but....she didn't take a second piece to eat. LOL Never gonna try a Thailand snack again.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Do You Know


I was quite hyper/high in the morning. For some reason I had the Jiggly-puff song stuck in my head then the Sailor Moon theme song came in. I started to sing Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Digimon and even Kia Con Buom Vang in Maths C.         ^This is what I do when I'm high. LOL Half way during English, I just died out. Loss all my hyperness and became so tired.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Let's get it started

Happy Birthday Tuannie ! (^)

OMGPOP really does kills boredom. Played "Draw My Thing" with 2dn for awhile then I just kept on playing by myself. The new Sky Pigs game is pretty addicting. Pool is still my favourite.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hands Up


Spent my day leveling up in Flyff since the 2.5x exp event is on. Cleaned my room afterward. Manage to update myself on some animes which was quite good. Didn't study much today.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Running Man at school was pretty fun. This time we had bells on. It's pretty hard to chase people when there's teachers around. Walked pass the jail once and BAM ! Got raped hard. They even took my shoes away and hid it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Keep Ya Head Up

Should start studying now but cbf.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Need You By My Side

Blue Red Green White

English : Listened to orals
IPT : No one in the class did their assignments so we got kept in. I feel sad for the student teacher cause she was also kept in and didn't get to eat.
Physics : Study Study Study
Chem : Kelvin fell asleep and Chris Vishwa decided to kiss him on the cheek. So frikken hilarious
Physics Tutor : Didn't really understand what the teacher was talking about.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mirror Mirror

Guess What? It's Tuesday today which means PIZZA NIGHT! YAYYA. Once again I was over at Kevin Le house chilling around with our tasty pizzas. YOU JELLY? Had another walk around the wonderful streets of INALA4077.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Went to Durella street park with Randy and Kiet. Help them took pictures for their Heath Ed assignment. Randy and Kiet walked me to inala before we part ways. Randy says he knows the way to Inala so Kiet and I followed him. Turns out that he didn't know the way and we took a super long as way to Inala. It was raining and Randy kept trying to wet us with his umberlla.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Second Try

Spent most of my day reading my English book and doing the assignment. It's a pretty good book. "The Killer's Tears" You should read it when you have the time.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

No Air

I spent most of the day sleeping. Mum woke me up at 7 pm and I thought it was a Monday. Looked at my clock and had the feeling that I'm late for school, I quickly jumped off my bed and poured cereal. My mum had the wtf face on. She was like "What are you doing? We're having dinner now, not breakfast." OMG ! how stupid was I for thinking that I was late for school.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Stereo Sun

World Largest Pizza

My cousins came over since our parents are going to some Viet concert somewhere. My mum told us that she didn't cook anything for us so we had to cook food our self. My brother, cousin and I cbf cooking something nice nor eating noodles so we chipped in for some pizza. After we came home from picking the pizzas, our other cousins came over with even more pizzas. They even bought us our share. Wow, we just wasted our money on pizzas. It took us ages to finish every single piece there is. We were all full after. I hope I gained half a kilo or something after this night.

Thursday, May 19, 2011



Chem - Time went so fast when we do pracs (Saw something really disturbing once again)

Maths B - Still boring and crap as always

IPT - We didn't get kept in today :)

Maths C - Bludgee as always

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Stayed back after school for an hour of Physics Tutorial. It helped me understand a bit. It was also our School Opening Day today. We could hear music being played during that hour. Also HIEU IS BACK!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Never Say No To Panda

Panda Cheese <3

Ate Pizzas over at Kevin Le's house with Alex and Kevin. Cheaper Tuesday FTW.  Chilled for a while. Afterward Kevin and I just watched some funny as Youtube vids. So friggin hilarious. Went for a night walk all the way to the end of Poinciana Street then to the other end of the Street. Had a pretty awesome talk on the way.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Never give up

Fall seven times, stand up eight.
Whilst doing something I remember my favorite uncle telling me to never give up. He tried to punch that message into my brain. He finally got it into me today. I haven't seen him for 2 and a half years since he lives in Brazil and only come to visit Australia every 3 years or so.

I shall defeat, slay, destroy, exterminate any problems that try to get in my way. I will overcome it with my sheer will-power. I'll persevere against it. I will not back down no matter what. If I were to fall down, I will stand up every single time. I'll not be a lazy-bum any more.

I am still in progress of completing one of my Autumn goals. (Reached 60kg) I am currently 55kg. 5 more killograms to go. I don't know if I can make it in time.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pew Pew Pew


Thang and Krist came over for like the whole day. All we did was chill and nothing else really. Running Man ep 38 is so friggin epic. Yoomes Bond FTW. Yet again no school work was done.

Saturday, May 14, 2011



Blogger was stuffing up yesterday

Yesterday : 13-05-2011

Played Running Man at school. It was so much fun. It was funny how both teams manages to steal each other walkie talkie. I was on the mission team. 

The mission we had was really hard. 
 Mission : Find four Running Man cards from A-F block.  
It was pretty scaring when you see or hear a chaser. Your heart starts to pump real fast and you just ran away like crazy. I was the second person to be caught. :( Sacrificed myself for Tien to escape.

While we were in prison, if we see any Chaser walking past we would immediately stop their path and don't let them chase our teammates. I hugged onto Brandon for awhile. None of the team won because the Mission team was only able to find 2 cards in the time period and the Chaser team didn't manage to catch Hannah on time.

Can't wait till next week Running Man.

Today : 14-05-2011

Spent some time updating on manga and anime & music. Procrastinate the whole day. Didn't do much school work.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Played Hide n Seek tigger again. Watched Running Man ep 37. It was alright. I am tired, hungry & dead and I still have to do Physics. 
Physics, You are so frigging gay.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Own This Club


Played Hide n Seek Tag Today. I went around tagging people while sticking sticky notes on them.
And Physics, you can smd.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


This was what happened yesterday to my blogger. It keeps saying that it's loading but nothing is really loading. Couldn't post anything except for the title.


Yesterday : 09-05-2011

Had Dinner at my aunt place. Was quite boring. Kids was jumping on me and yea. LOL

Today : 10-05-2011

Had a family party at my place. Pretty fun. My cousins, brother and I decided to walk to Inala shopping center for fun at night. It was so cold. All they bought was lollies and I bought some stuff for school at Woolworth. I started to place sticky notes on most of the adults. Was pretty funny when my uncle saw the note on my dad saying "kick me", so he just kick my dad and my dad had the wtf face on him LOL.
The party was alright but the worse thing is that, most party are hosted at my place and afterward I always have to do the cleaning up. sighhh.

I'm still deciding if I should stay up tonight and do my Physics or go to sleep now.

Blog stuffed up, doesn't let me post anything cept for the Title.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Hopefully she liked it


Despite the fact that she tell me to do chores and nag about things, I still love her. I LOVE YOU MUMMY ♥♥♥

Had a BBQ with the 2dn boys(Excluding Both Alex Dang's, Tai and Hogan) Played Baseball and Soccer. Ate Sausages, Chickens and Lambs, I know, I ate myself today.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Closer Insomnia

I cut my hair Today and I think I fck up my back again. FML. One side feels longer than the other.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Live it like you want to

Hoc, Leon, Huy, Toan and I bought a baseball bat and ball at the reject shop for $4. LOL we are cheapo. Walked to the oval in front of Huy's house and played Baseball. Was pretty fun until mosquitoes came by and bit us. 
Running Man 36 made me so hungry.

Thursday, May 5, 2011



OMG I have like 58 minutes left to upload my English on Turnitin. Why must the due date have to be by 11:59 PM. WHY!?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Can't Back Down


YAY got my jersey.
Fell asleep in chem cause it was so boring. We watched the same video again. 
The annoying white kid on the 102 bus finally did something nice. I fell asleep again on the bus and he woke me up when we got to Biota and asked me " Dude, is this your stop?" I said 'nope, thank you anyways'. It surprised me that he woke me up because I wanted to punch that kid ages ago. Luckily he woke me up or else I would had missed my stop and go all the way back to Corinda. Thank you annoying kid that I once hated.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Hey there little cute yellow beings
Watched Running Man ep 35. So freaking hilarious. Couldn't stop laughing for the entire hour. My grandpa walked by and thought I was being a retard. One day...One day I will show Running Man (Viet subs) and get him hooked into it....One day that will happen.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Went to valley for Yum Cha with my family and cousins. Come home and found out that my Maths C assignment is due tomorrow. FML asdfggsjdgknkml. I am so tired and yet I have to stay awake and do this stupid annoying camels assignment when I could be going out with my cousin and having fun right now. sigh I hate camels. HATE YOU!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Here I am

Coke : We don't want your kind around us
Pepsi : But I love you Cokiee

So here is how my day went :

  • Youth school - I was pretty hyper at school for some odd reason. Didn't take any coffee nor sugar.
  • Running Man 34 - Calling friends part was so hilarious.
  • Sleep - I know that sleeping is for the week but I was a weak bastard today.
  • PS3 - Finished God of War III.
  • Church - Had a party afterward
  • Walked to Johnny house with Thang, Linda and Krist. We took the shortcut which was walking into the park. It was so dark, couldn't see where we were going. We ended up at his place but then he was having an argument with his mum so we walked back to the church.
  • Drama - IRIS
 No school work was done which means tomorrow is gonna be a busy day.