Sunday, May 1, 2011

Here I am

Coke : We don't want your kind around us
Pepsi : But I love you Cokiee

So here is how my day went :

  • Youth school - I was pretty hyper at school for some odd reason. Didn't take any coffee nor sugar.
  • Running Man 34 - Calling friends part was so hilarious.
  • Sleep - I know that sleeping is for the week but I was a weak bastard today.
  • PS3 - Finished God of War III.
  • Church - Had a party afterward
  • Walked to Johnny house with Thang, Linda and Krist. We took the shortcut which was walking into the park. It was so dark, couldn't see where we were going. We ended up at his place but then he was having an argument with his mum so we walked back to the church.
  • Drama - IRIS
 No school work was done which means tomorrow is gonna be a busy day.

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