Tuesday, May 10, 2011


This was what happened yesterday to my blogger. It keeps saying that it's loading but nothing is really loading. Couldn't post anything except for the title.


Yesterday : 09-05-2011

Had Dinner at my aunt place. Was quite boring. Kids was jumping on me and yea. LOL

Today : 10-05-2011

Had a family party at my place. Pretty fun. My cousins, brother and I decided to walk to Inala shopping center for fun at night. It was so cold. All they bought was lollies and I bought some stuff for school at Woolworth. I started to place sticky notes on most of the adults. Was pretty funny when my uncle saw the note on my dad saying "kick me", so he just kick my dad and my dad had the wtf face on him LOL.
The party was alright but the worse thing is that, most party are hosted at my place and afterward I always have to do the cleaning up. sighhh.

I'm still deciding if I should stay up tonight and do my Physics or go to sleep now.

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