Saturday, July 30, 2011

Good Day

Hannah and Randy came over today to do their art and history assignments since I've the fiber glass set. First thing we did when they came over was make cheese cake and Caramel Popcorn. The cheese cake tasted alright but the look is just ewwww. Sharing a whole cake among three people isn't a good idea. None of us finished our share.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Played Walking Man today. It's basically the same as Running Man cept that we walked instead of Running. The teachers still stopped us so the game wasn't that great.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Quit

 I stayed up last night to do my Maths B draft and the teacher didn't even check it. We didn't even touch our books in class. We were just talking to him about Uni, school, life in the olden days and so and so. He even told us that when he got home, the first thing he would do is "Hey pussy pussy cat, are you hungry". We all laughed so much.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

One Way

Made my first ever youtube video. I'm gonna aim to be famous like My Chonny, Nigahiga, Peter Chao, Kevjumba, Shimicocopuffs and other famous people on youtube. It's gonna be comedy base and it's quite funny.

Here is the link to my first vid I've ever made. 

Hope you guys liked it.
Hopefully I will be famous after making some more awesome and epic vids :)

 Please comment and like it.
 Wish me luck on my next epic vid.

AHAHAHAHAHA If you clicked on the link, You just got trolled bitch ! Hahahaha

Anyways back to topic. I went to tutor today hoping to get some of my Maths B assignment done. Mfw I left my assignment sheet at home. Fark ! Now I have to stay up and do Maths, Physics and Chem. Soooo don't wanna stay up again.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No More Perfume On You

Woo Finished school at one. Went shopping at Inala with Hoc. Bought Ingredients for pancakes and cheese cake. The plan was to do some study after school at my place but we spent most of the time making pancakes and eating them. Didn't really study much but it was fun making pancakes.

Good luck with UMAT tomorrow guise.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall

I was so tired today since I attempted to all night last night but got Ko'ed around 5ish. Tried to stay hyper for the whole day so I won't fall asleep. At second break Myvy shoes were placed on the edge of the wall. It was hilarious watching the girls tried to take it down. After a while Denis shoes was also placed up there. While I was sitting on the bench, Myvy and Tien came towards me and try to steal my shoes. When they pulled my shoes, they also pulled me onto the ground aswell.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Went to Laser Force for David's party. It was pretty fun. The group split up afterward. One to Inala and one to City/Southbank. Met up with Vinh and Sandy at Southbanks, bought movie tickets and went to city for Lunch. On the way we saw the green cab and I insisted David and Sandy to take the Cab over to city while we would race them. It was a quite a long run but we loss. We were stopped by the traffic lights while they just drove pass. :( Can't believed we loss.  Ate and met up with more people. Also timezone for abit. Came back to Southbank an hour late and went into the movie an hour late. I didn't really understand the story of "Bad Teacher" but it was quite funny at times. Ate at Inala afterwards.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


 Mokona Modoki !

  • Cleaned wardrobe
  • Watched Running Man 45
  • Finished Tsubasa Chronicles (Why did it had to stop. WHY!? It was also getting to the good part)
  • Made Caramel Creme (Hopefully it turned out nice....hopefully)
  • Made Pho in 2 mins. (I'm just too pro lol jokes. it was Instant ones LOL)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dark Stone

Played "What the time Mr wolf" with Myvy, Kevin Le, Tien. Una and Neilson at second break. It was quite enjoyable since lunch was getting boring. Haven't had that much fun in awhile.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jelly Pop

Surfed eBay for an hour or two and bought heaps of stuff and now I'm just waiting for it to arrives. I wish it would come faster.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Good-bye Baby

Today was so windy and cold. As I walked out of my house I can feel the cold winds so I went back inside to grab my scarf. Second break of school was really really boring. So Kevin and I decided to run around the school and we did. Haven't done something like that in a while.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lost Our Minds

One day I will make that cake..One day
School today was pretty bludge. Went to the farm and check what the Bio peeps were doing. It looks fun planting seeds and watering them. Went to Inala after school and help my uncle pack up his store. Went around buying stuff. Bought everything I needed but when I got home I forgot about books. I knew I should have written a shopping list. I just knew it.Study tonight? nah stuff that so lazy atm.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Now Or Never

oh LOOK ! Its HOA~!
I didn't eat dinner last night and stayed awake til 4ish. My stomach was telling me to feed it something but I ignored it. Woke up and didn't had break fast and headed to school. While in class my stomach was slowly dying. I needed something to eat. NTS - Never ignore you stomach.  I am sooo tired right now but I don't wanna sleep early

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Above The Ground


Went to the TSXPO with Linda today. We took the biggest detour. First off we went to sunday school and teach and play games with the little kids first then we walked to Inala. Saw the 100 coming and we ran to it but we just missed it. Then we also missed the 110 by 15 seconds. Met Hieu at inala and asked him to asked the 103 bus driver if Darra Station is open. The bus driver said it was so we hop on. Got off at Darra and saw no one at the station then our faces were like OMFG....the bus driver lied to us. We didn't know what to do after so we cabbed it to Bunnings Warehouse and waited for the 100 bus to pass. We waited and waited, the bus came 30 mins late so we were like sigh. Got to City then bus it to RNA Showground. The TSXPO was quite alright and boring. I love the freebies Yay :) I was meant to meet up with Randy's group but I came late due to the detour. Found out I need an op 10 for my course. Hopefully I can get it.

Went back to City and went shopping at Target. I swear going shopping with Linda is like shopping with my mum. Then Linda went to Sunnybank while I met Huy and his family. Went shopping with them until Hieu got to the City. Walked around city with Hieu in search of something to eat. Walked to Hanaichi and found out it was close. Went shopping for abit then we ate. Played Pool and met Steven there and he tagged along with us. Caught the bus home. While on the bus Hieu and I got off at Akama Road. Went around knocking on people houses that we know of. The first house was Randy's. He opened it and was shouting something about a Gorilla or something. First thing that came to my mind was Brandan.  It was hilarious. Then we knocked again and told him it was us. LOL

Then we went and look for one particular house that took us ages to find. Randy told us that it was number 1 on some street. He gave us useless instruction to the house. We went to like every house that is number 1 and knock on it and ninja around. Turns out the house wasn't even number 1 sigh Randy just sigh. Took us an hour or so to find that house and it was quite awkward when someone opened the curtain and talked to us. Walked back to Randy's and told him our story. Mission Completed ! YAY Level up. He wouldn't let me use his toilet and I need to pee very badly so I ran home and yea. It was one tiring day today. 

oh wow I've written a lot soz about that.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I'mma Be The Best

Yo guise, watched Running Man ep 43 today. It was the longest episode I have seen of RM. Two hours of laughter. Today was the first time I spent three whole hours at tutor actually studying. Normally I would study for 1.5 to 2 hours then the last hour I just stare at my book and pretend to study. It felt really good to work ahead for MathsC.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Broken Wings

Sat the Prac QCS exam today. It was alright. It's already Friday. Gotta get down on Friday. That went so quick.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Alone Tonight

Gameboy Colour, oh how I missed ya
A guy from Mighty Minds came to our school today did a workshop with us about the QCS exam. It was quite good. He got messages through me. Motivation level increased by one. Yay.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love Alone

We had Chinese exchange students in our school today. Two in Physics and one in Chem. The one in chem was pretty cool. I talked with him for a few minutes. I thought his name was Sado (As in the Sado from Bleach) but it wasn't, it was actually Shadow (As in the Shadow from Sonic). Watta awesomee name.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Last night I went to bed at 10:30 hoping I will sleep and have lots of energy for today. Turns out my sleeping pattern is still not stable and I didn't sleep til 2ish. Just lay in bed rolling around in my nice comfy blanket.

First day of school was alright. Quite tiring and boring. Had like one of the longest assembly. We only had like five minutes to eat our lunch then on to our next class. Went to Inala after school to get some books and pens for school. I am a day late LOL. Was meant to go yesterday but I was cbfing. 

I'm still in holidays mode so no study is probs gonna happen tonight.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Rebound

 Watched Running Man 41. It was a good episode. Ha Ha house is pretty awesome. School tomorrow sigh. I didn't even get half way though my "To do list" for this holidays. This term is gonna be so hard. I am gonna get even more screwed up this semester.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

All I Have Is Love

So today I got woken up by my brother telling me I have to go to a youth meeting.... I totally forgot about it. Afterward we went to Springfield Lakes to have a bbq. I was the main chief there LOL. Played on the park for a bit then had a walk around. Just chilling there then later on we chilled at Inala with Bubble teeeeeeaa~

Party at Kevin Le's later the night. Most of the 2dn boys showed up. David Melara and David Le was also there. Later on Jebbie and Tram (I think that's how you spell her name) showed up. Hahaha Hoc is like my new role model HAHAHAHA.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Legendary White Pretear

Yo, Lets Pret !
Finished watching Pretear today. The story was quite good but was a bit sad at the end. Only two days left of freedom until the horror of school starts again. There's so much more anime and drama I need to finish but I don't have anymore time for them.

Friday, July 8, 2011

2006 Seniors of St Mark's Reunion

The 2006 Seniors of St Mark's organized a reunion today. It was a BBQ at Forest Lake. 1/3 of the grade went. Just ate and chill. I haven't met up with some of them for like four and a half years. It was pretty good to know what they are up to now. Spend some time talking about old teachers and some old and funny times.

Afterward the the Corinda/St Marks boys decided to go watch a movie and eat. Two others St Marks people tagged along. Caught the bus to South Bank to check on movie times. We had like two and a half hours til the movie starts.

So Hoa and Denne went off to eat Sushi while Hoc and I and the other two walked decided to go to Max Breana or Pancake Manor. Walked to Max Breana and the line was ...... freaking long so we walked to the city and ate Pancake Manor. Tasted pretty good but we kinda oredered way too much and had to try to finish it. While we try to finish it we would repeat the phrase "Think of the people in Africa. They would sacrifice their arms and legs just to have a piece of this pancake", so we finished and clean out everything.While eating Hoa called and told us we have to be at South Bank now, so we rushed to a bus stop and hop on a bus. 

While the bus was moving towards SB, Hoa called again and he said that there are no more tickets and told us to meet him at the city cinema now. Sigh we didn't want to spend more money on the bus back to City so we walked it once again. Got to the city and the tickets were also booked out for Bridesmaids so we just played at Fun House and chilled.

oh Happy Birthday Tai !

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Are We There Yet

Spent my day looking through the photo albums my family have. They were like more than 1000 photos. Photos that went way back to my parents marriage all the way to now. Bring back so much memories. There were some happy memories and some sad ones aswell. Found a naked photo of me when I was a baby. Good thing I found it. I'm so gonna hid it somewhere before someone else finds it. Also found out that my hair used to be blondish/brownish colour when I was small.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mirakurun Pretty Change !

Shine on, Miracle Run - Run Energy! Mirakurun Pretty Change! The witch of love and justice, Mirakurun, has arrived !
Another day spent watching animes and manga. Today was Digimon. Two new animes just came out. Yuru Yuri and Kamisama Dolls. Yuru Yuri is pretty funny. Go Mirakurun ! Kamisama Dolls is alright aswell.

  Holidays are really getting boring. Tutor was also boring since I didn't know what we have to study for Maths C and that was the only book I brought to tutor. Should I start to study serious now? or should I just keep on relaxing? hmm don't know what to do...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bubble Pop

Stayed home and did what I did yesterday cept I watched a different anime this time. Today I watched Card Captor Sakura. oh how I miss all these old animes. They are still good compared to the new ones. Holidays are so boring now.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Moon Prism Power

Omg spent my whole day watching Sailor moon. Dunno why but yeh.... anyways I also finished Gosick today. Pretty good anime.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Cute !
Just got home from camp. So tired now.
I will make a simpified version of what I did at camp.

First day

So I went in the night group. Got there at like 9pm and everyone was already eating dinner. Went to beach after Dinner and played some games and had a campfire there since we couldn't have one at the camp site. One of the awesome game we played was one where there's a finder and everyone else is a hider. So the finder have a torch and have to stay still while the hider gets a min to swap clothing with each others and speard along the beach and hid with their backs facing the finder. The finder have to use the torch and shine it at a person and guessed who that person is. It's pretty hard to tell who is who since we are all wearing different clothing.

It was cold at the beach and was quite dark. Went back to the tent at 1ish and played cards in my tent. We had like three air mattress but then we had to sacrifice them for the girls. I was lying on some sticks and rocks which was ugh.... anyways

Second day

Drove down to Byron Bay and went to the Lighthouse. Went for a hike and ran along the beach. Afterward  We did a quick lesson on leadership and teaching kids and had a mini test on it. It test was quite alright but I don't think I did really good.

Went back to the beach at nine and campfire again. Ate marshmallow and had jokes and riddles. Everyone went back and prepared to sleep at 12. Then my tent started telling ghost stories and then we invited some teachers in and told us more stories. I even told them my stories about me seeing a ghost. Some stories were quite scary. I forgot to bring my torch so i used my phone as a torch. Turns out it ran outta bats and died out on me.

Last day

Pack up and went to Coolangatta which is in gold coast. Yay back in Queensland. Ate Sushi and then played cards then play touch football. It was a pretty epic game of touch. Then home we went.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Roly Poly

I have camp in a few hours. We are going to Kingscliff which is somewhere close to sydney. The morning group just left like 3 hours ago. I'm going in the night group. Gonna become the new Bear Grylls and survive the harsh wildness of sydney. Anyways time to start packing. I'll blog about it once I'm back (That if I don't die).