Wednesday, July 27, 2011

One Way

Made my first ever youtube video. I'm gonna aim to be famous like My Chonny, Nigahiga, Peter Chao, Kevjumba, Shimicocopuffs and other famous people on youtube. It's gonna be comedy base and it's quite funny.

Here is the link to my first vid I've ever made. 

Hope you guys liked it.
Hopefully I will be famous after making some more awesome and epic vids :)

 Please comment and like it.
 Wish me luck on my next epic vid.

AHAHAHAHAHA If you clicked on the link, You just got trolled bitch ! Hahahaha

Anyways back to topic. I went to tutor today hoping to get some of my Maths B assignment done. Mfw I left my assignment sheet at home. Fark ! Now I have to stay up and do Maths, Physics and Chem. Soooo don't wanna stay up again.

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