Friday, December 30, 2011

On My Throne

Rewatched Naruto and Fairy Tail awesome parts.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Gramps got a massive mouse today. He killed it :( He drowned it in a bucket of water. I saw it pitiful eyes trying to escape to the surface but unfortunate it died. RIP Mr Big Mouse that ate an apple. Went over to cousin place to fix their comp. Holidays have been so boring. Nothing really to do. Read Manga all day again.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Why didn't you do it?
Tiffany, Kevin and his younger brother, Andy came over for abit. Walked Tiffany to Inala and did some shopping. She went home then the three of us went in to Eb to check out the new games. We didn't have any money though so we didn't wanna stay there for long. Walked back home and Kevin got his Laptop Fan cooler at my place. 

Ronnie picked me up later and we went to Ice staking. It wasn't as packed as last time. There was Randy, Hong, Vinh and us two there. Played around and just stake. So many people fell though. It was quite funny when Lyhn and Randy fell.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Love Breakup

Another day spent reading manga. I wish I have some money to go out.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Spent most of my day reading manga since there was like nothing else to do.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Went to 2DN Christmas party at Leons. Other people who aren't part of 2dn came. Went to the petrol station to get ice in a Santa Suit. All the kids were all over me LOL. Ate and took shots. We had secret Santa afterward. Trolled Tai with my present LOL. Played four kings with some of the boys. FCKEN GOON ! First blood = Hoa LOL. Played with glowsticks and went to the park near Leon's to fly a kite that we modified with glowsticks. Hide n seek after. Went back to Leon's and chilled.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Avicii 'Levels'

Merry Christmas Everyone HOHOHOHOHOHO
Went to church with the Youth group leader. We wore our uniform like a boss. Had to bring the gift up to the priest. Afterward we handed out lollies bags to little kiddies. There were Ferrero Rocher (a whole box of it) in them bags.. Went to Family Dinner/Party afterward. Got presents and had quite some laughter.

Friday, December 23, 2011

We Were In Love

Thang, Vi, Tanya and I went to indro in the morning to get presents.Headed back to Inala for more shopping. I chilled with Nam and Minh out there then home I went. Gramps also came back to Brisbane again and is staying at my place like always.  I was gonna go to Indro again with my daddy and bro but I was lazy to get changed.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Danza Kuduro

Spent my day today doing chores and nothing at home. I wish I have money to go out. Starting to use FS again.
Here's the link (.Y.)
Ask me whatever you want.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Dad woke me up at 7 to go carry heaps of dirt from the front of the house to the back. Had to use a shovel. Took me like 3 hours to finish it. And I was hungry as. Went back in to take le shower then went with daddy to Harvey Norman to look and get stuff for him. Came home and took a nap since I had like 3 hours sleep last night. So many people called me during that nap. Woke up and did alot more chores. Wrapped present up later on and it was time consuming LOL. Never thought it would take so much time to wrap presents.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Star Star Star

Got an iPhone 4 today. YAY ! Thang and Td came over to play. Street Fighter most of the time then we went to Chi Quynh place to mow her grass again sigh. Our job is done now.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kiss Me

Stayed home the whole day today and did chores and just tumblr'd most of the time.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Headed down to Rocklea market at 6:30 and went looking around. Ate breakfast there. Afterward we went back to Corinda to have Sunday church then back to Mymy's place. Chilled there until it was time to meet at Inala for our Youth Group Christmas outing/party. The first plan was ice staking. Thang, Td, Hoa and I had a bet that we would wear singlet all the time. No one loss. It was quite cool LOL. Then we headed down to Andy's place in Springfield. 

Had BBQ at the park and played our remake revision of Cop's and Robber's. Headed inside for rest and Just Dance 3. It was so funny how people danced LOL. Did Dirty Santa and it was hilarious. Lots of awesome present got stolen away. I got an angry bird plush :) Played Truth and Dare afterward. Ordered Pizza Cappers Yum. Rest and chillax afterward. A lot more happened but It's too much to write up.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Have it all

Didn't really do much today. Went out to work for an hour or so then back home.

Friday, December 16, 2011

It's not mine

WORK WORK WORK AGAIN. Ate lunch with Td, Nam and Minh. Then back to work. Went to church after and ate Pho there. It was free but I donated money cause I don't wanna be a greedy asian bastard. Came home and three family was over at my place. Just chilled with the kids. OMG ! OP Tomorrow. I am actually quite scared now. Scared of getting a big lecture...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh Yeah

Work again as usual. Afterward Thang, Mymy, Td, Hoa and I went shopping at Indro. When we got there we played hide n seek in Kmart. Thang found most of us easily then we all went to look for Mymy. Took as like 45 mins to find her. We even did a line formation to look for her and it didn't work. She's so short man. Afterward Everyone bought a scratchy and only Thang, Mymy and I won. Td and Hoa were the loser of the night LOL. Went around shopping for our Dirty Santa presents but we didn't find anything. Went Window shopping instead LOL. Head to Toan's place to finish off a movie that we didn't finish last time.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Good Night

Dad woke me up super early to mow the lawn. After I did it Thang came over and told me to mow Chi Quynh mow with him. So we did. Afterward went back to his place to return his mum car then went to Inala for Bubble teeea. Went shopping at My Om for our secret Santa present. Met Cindy and  bought stuff (Which I can't say cause it won't be a secret anymore. Went back to Inala and chilled abit then home we went.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Don't Act Countrified

Work again. Met different people today. This time it was Linda, Mymy and Ai-van. Chilled with Tony quite alot cause we work next to each other.

Went to Ice staking with Hoc, Kiet and Kevin Le. Got there and it was packed as. Saw Hong, Ronnie, Lyhn and Randy staking then we decided to go to Sunny Bank to Eat/pool. Ate at the Pho restaurant for Kevin. Hoc and I shared a hot pot. It was alright. Pooled afterward. Pretty chilax night.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Just a normal day at work again. While working I met Vi, Vivian and Kien then afterward was Nam and Minh. Then Hieu came from no where and I chilled with him while working. That was about all I did today.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The one that got away

We had our Youth group Fun festival today. Went there early to set up my group station. The game I did was kinda like the moving crowns game you see at tet and stuff. It was a game based on luck. Lots of the younger kids came to my station cause it doesn't requires any skills. Many prizes was given away to kids who were lucky. Afterward we cleaned up then a small water fight. Then went to Darra for Yum cha. Duyen and Randy was working there at that time and we harassed Randy so much haha. 

Everyone then went home so Thang, Hoa, Td and Mymy went over to Toan's to rest/sleep and we watched Graves Encounter. It wasn't scary at all to me but to others they were pretty scared. Came home and saw my dad putting up Christmas lights.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Try Again

Went to work again then party then went to prepare the games for tomorrow with the youth group teachers.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Td came over my place to work on our game for sunday. We did it but we were meant to do two but we were too lazy to. Can't believed we last minuted this too cause it's due tomorrow. Thang and Nam came over suddenly then we went over to Mymy's place. Linda and the kids were there. Just played around. Thang and Nam left then we just make cupcakes. It turns out to taste quite good haha. We did a crap job and the food turn out good Yayers. Td and I went back to my place to shower and get ready for church.

After church we went back to our second home. (Mymy's place again) Greeted the second family then head to Ai-van's place to practice our dance. Did very little bit cause we spent our time eating pizza.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'll Be there

IU <3. She's so kyooot~
Cousin came over and dragged me out of bed to go to Inala to eat with him. Went over to Tanya's place to pick her up. Met Loan, Vi and vivian out there. Ate at the Vietnamese restaurant. Afterward went to another restaurant and sat there with them while they ate. At this restaurant there were, Tony, Ronnie, David, Hoc, Alex, Michelle, Huy and Toan. Chilled at Inala with a couple of different groups then home I went.

Linh (My cousin) is staying over at my place for a few nights since her parents is out. Time to sleep outside again since I gave her my room haha. Good old' sofa here I come.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Strange Clouds

Stayed home and slept all day cause the weather was so good to sleep in with. Got called to go to watch Twilight Breaking Dawn with Hoa and Kelvin later on the night. I was so bored so I went. The movie was okayish. First hour was full of <3. Was gonna eat at Sunny Bank but it was abit late so we just went home.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Love

Went to Chi quynh with Thang to mow her grass. She wasn't out home so we just cut it. The grass was like 1.3 meters high. So hard to cut with a mower. At least we get paid for doing this. Went back to Mymy's to return her mower and Linda was there. Played Just dance 3 for awhile then I went to Inala to eat by myself. Forever alone. Linda came over my place for abit so I can fix her laptop.

Went for a macas run with Hoa, Denne and TD. Just ate cause we were hungry.

Monday, December 5, 2011

K Food Party

Went to Doctors for blood test in the morning then walked home. Went back out to Inala to try out the new restaurant with Hoa, Mande, David and Vinh. The Bluefire Grill was alright. Steak was somewhat okay for it price. Customer service was quite bad. Afterward we chilled at Inala with them. Met Thy, Sandy then Ronnie then lastly we met Hoc. Hoc drove Hoa and me home while Vinh and Mande caught Buses. Got home and took another nap since It was so boring and I wanted to do something to kill time. Started abit on my resume then gave up LOL

Sunday, December 4, 2011

There for you

 Maccas feast stacked
Gave the kids the exam paper at youth. They did pretty good considering how much revision I gave them. Afterward Hoa, Thang, Tam, Toan, Td, Tanya, Loan and I went to SB to eat. Ate at taste gallery. It was alright. We didn't know what we were going to do next so Thang and I wanted to play hide n seek so we told the rest of the guise to go hide in central square and Thang and I will be it. We made this kinda like RM cause I was the ace and Thang was the commander LOL. Gave ourself a time limit of 15 mins to find everyone. 

Search to every shop to find them. Kmart was the longest to search. Afterward we had to wait for Toan to finish playing his MT. Since Thang had to go home and return his car. Td, Hoa, Pumba and I stayed back to eat Hot cakes while the other went home. Afterward we went and drop Pumba off at his house then planned what to do next. Called Thang need to go to Loan's place to return something so we picked him up. 

Got to loan place and chill. Try to find a place to eat dinner but we didn't have much dinner. Called people to see if we can have a free meal somewhere hahaha. Rest at Loan's for awhile. Decided to go home since we don't know a place that have free food. Once we got to my house we met our Boss and asked him if we can go to his place. He said he won't be home but he told us to go to Chi Quynh place since she have food. So we did. Turns out she didn't have food and that. Made a bet with her while we were there. She said Boss  is at my place when I told her he isn't. She didn't believe me so I called my mum to ask her. Turns out I won the bet so we had Free maccas YAY! Free food tasted to good. Stacked our food after we ate it LOL.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Went over to mymy's to chill with Thang, Td and Linda. Linda painted my nails Pickachu since I let her be her test subject. It was so cute. Td and I cut Thang's hair then home I went. Went over to my cousin to babysit them since my aunty and uncle are going to watch this Vietnamese concert. They are gonna be home at like  1/2ish and I was told to put my cousin in bed at like 10ish. Hopefully I can make them go to sleep LOL. It's pretty boring babysitting since you are not at home.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Trouble Maker

Work again. Met Lan and Daniel . chilled with them while I was still doing my work. David Melara and Tony came out later. After work I invited like 4 people over to my place to play but it turns out that 11 people came. Work on our banners for awhile then went over to Mymy's to play Justdance 3 and practice our dance. Did some group tutting then we were all tired and home we went.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Love Letter

Got called to work again. Rushed out there and work. Afterward Hoa picked me up to go to indro. Went eating then shopping. We were meant to Watch a movie but nothing good was on at the time so we just chilled at Indro. Went back to Toan's and Poker. Got home and saw Mymy at my place doing her banner for her game.