Sunday, December 11, 2011

The one that got away

We had our Youth group Fun festival today. Went there early to set up my group station. The game I did was kinda like the moving crowns game you see at tet and stuff. It was a game based on luck. Lots of the younger kids came to my station cause it doesn't requires any skills. Many prizes was given away to kids who were lucky. Afterward we cleaned up then a small water fight. Then went to Darra for Yum cha. Duyen and Randy was working there at that time and we harassed Randy so much haha. 

Everyone then went home so Thang, Hoa, Td and Mymy went over to Toan's to rest/sleep and we watched Graves Encounter. It wasn't scary at all to me but to others they were pretty scared. Came home and saw my dad putting up Christmas lights.

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