Sunday, December 18, 2011


Headed down to Rocklea market at 6:30 and went looking around. Ate breakfast there. Afterward we went back to Corinda to have Sunday church then back to Mymy's place. Chilled there until it was time to meet at Inala for our Youth Group Christmas outing/party. The first plan was ice staking. Thang, Td, Hoa and I had a bet that we would wear singlet all the time. No one loss. It was quite cool LOL. Then we headed down to Andy's place in Springfield. 

Had BBQ at the park and played our remake revision of Cop's and Robber's. Headed inside for rest and Just Dance 3. It was so funny how people danced LOL. Did Dirty Santa and it was hilarious. Lots of awesome present got stolen away. I got an angry bird plush :) Played Truth and Dare afterward. Ordered Pizza Cappers Yum. Rest and chillax afterward. A lot more happened but It's too much to write up.

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