Sunday, December 4, 2011

There for you

 Maccas feast stacked
Gave the kids the exam paper at youth. They did pretty good considering how much revision I gave them. Afterward Hoa, Thang, Tam, Toan, Td, Tanya, Loan and I went to SB to eat. Ate at taste gallery. It was alright. We didn't know what we were going to do next so Thang and I wanted to play hide n seek so we told the rest of the guise to go hide in central square and Thang and I will be it. We made this kinda like RM cause I was the ace and Thang was the commander LOL. Gave ourself a time limit of 15 mins to find everyone. 

Search to every shop to find them. Kmart was the longest to search. Afterward we had to wait for Toan to finish playing his MT. Since Thang had to go home and return his car. Td, Hoa, Pumba and I stayed back to eat Hot cakes while the other went home. Afterward we went and drop Pumba off at his house then planned what to do next. Called Thang need to go to Loan's place to return something so we picked him up. 

Got to loan place and chill. Try to find a place to eat dinner but we didn't have much dinner. Called people to see if we can have a free meal somewhere hahaha. Rest at Loan's for awhile. Decided to go home since we don't know a place that have free food. Once we got to my house we met our Boss and asked him if we can go to his place. He said he won't be home but he told us to go to Chi Quynh place since she have food. So we did. Turns out she didn't have food and that. Made a bet with her while we were there. She said Boss  is at my place when I told her he isn't. She didn't believe me so I called my mum to ask her. Turns out I won the bet so we had Free maccas YAY! Free food tasted to good. Stacked our food after we ate it LOL.

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