Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baby, I Love You

Someone awesome get it for meeeeeee !! I will pay you back some sexy time ;)
Work today was okayish lol weeee $50 right there :) Some guy who were in the store who was buying stuff for his cosplay, regonized me as a cosplayer and we talked for ages. Looks like I am gonna be famous soon loljokes. I don't wanna be famous, I just wanna be rich and happy ! He asked me for help on how to make stuff :L We exchanged numbers LOL. I told him he needed makeup to be a pro cosplayer. He's gonna turn out gay hehe

Went over to Vinh's for yugioh night but it turns out to be Gambling night LOL. Home-made casino FTW. Played so many games and loss money so slowly/fast-ish LOL we were playing with purely silver coins :L So many 5 cents it wasn't funny. And so much people came over to watch and play.

Changed my blog quite alot but I still need to do some fixing to it. Was distracted by food and home casino night :L I will do it tomorrow if I have time after work.... most likely not LOL

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

To you

 If I had this, I wouldn't eat it. It's too awesome to be eaten !
Whoever makes this for me, I will love them 5eva !
My teeth are so beautifuuuuul~! loljokes, I just got them cleaned at the dentist. Drove around today :) Did some of my logbook and man, it takes ages to get 100 hours even if you are trying to forge it :L I had finally filled out the form to "Enrol for voting". Missed out on two of the voting already :S My room is in a total mess... looks like I gotta spend my day tomorrow cleaning. Locking myself at home so I won't spend anymore money :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What Makes You Beautiful

I didn't know you were that kind of person....
Heard my Grandparents are coming back to Brisbane to stay here. Looks like I am gonna get kicked out of my room again :L At least I am prepared for it now. Time to prepare my clubby house :D

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Fighter

I am starting to go back into my habit of taking a nap when I get home from school. Gotta change myself again and not take anymore naps. I think it is cause of the coldness. Offered my dad my ipod but he was like, it's too big for me so I just gave him my old Mp3 instead. Haven't touched it in ages maaan. Brings back memories.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm Gone

 Kinda made up my mind.
I came home late yesterday and was too tired to blog.  So for yesterday,

Work was boring as usual but a few came to visit me. Linda chilled with me for awhile afterward. Tony and Denis came over my place to chilled before we headed to Kevin's Le for Lau. Came there and just ate. The Lau was spicy and I am not good with spicy food but still better than nothing. The four of us, including oscar then drove to Cas. It was so hilarious how Oscar, Denis and I loss. We just Laughed out Loud for like ages :L Tony shouted us soft serve and man, it was like the best one ever. Makes us feel so happy when we were :(. Came back to Kevin's and the boys made a fire so we just sat and chilled. Drove to Jack's to grab his poker set then came back and gambled more :L Played Poker, Blackjack and Baccarat. It was an alright night. 

Today, after youth, we had a meeting which was about organizing our event in two weeks. And we did some good practice for our dance. Pretty intense when we added in some stunts like flipping and that. It hurt alots though :L

Friday, May 25, 2012

Sweet Love

Work today was super super boring. Raining days seems to make time go so slow. Dance tonight was okayish. Managed to learn a few new things. Went to Maccas with Linda and Mymy and we just chilled. Talked about getting pooped on ourselves and it was hilarious. :L

Thursday, May 24, 2012

You Know How We Do

Went to city with Myvy. Met John and Mymy on the bus and we just talked. Ate Kadoya with Myvy then we walked around City exploring our mini-adventure. Met John again LOL. Why do I always see him? Went into Myvy's lecture and they were learning about The Reproductive system. YAY ! :L It was quite interesting and gross at the same time.  Chilled at Inala with Myvy afterward then we met Kiet and Alex. Chilled even more.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Around My Way

 Hey you ! It's you ! STITCH !
The class heard a awesome news today at Tafe. We are not moving to Eagle Farm until next year. Everyone celebrated in class. Everyone was so happy man. But the day was alright ish. Just sat there for 2 hours in the middle since I was sick of doing work. Played around with my phone and the troll app mindfcked me. It wasn't meant to do what it did with my phone.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

He Lives in you

So today at tafe we were so bored at lunch break so we walked outside of tafe and head to the closest bus stop just to chilled there LOL That's how bored we were. And the topics we are learning this term is so boring. I almost died just sitting there.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Still got it

Chipmunks !!!
Went over to Mymy's with Linda to practice dance. We did kinda a good job LOL. Laughed so much playing with photobooth on the mac. Drove to Justsoy cafe but when we got there it was closing :( so we drove to Market Square for desserts and BBQ Tempt.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Piano UC No. 3

Today was an okayish day. Did a little dance prac after youth. Didn't really do much  cept planned which dance to do for our event in 3 weeks time. Went over to Thang's with the dance crew and just talked. Mymy and Thang came over to mine after and chilled.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


 Looks like a pokeball !
Work today was okayish. Just chilled with Tony most of the time. And also there were a fight at Inala. Two viet guys were hitting a viet dude over something I have no clue of. The viet guy who got hit was hit quite badly. Even got hitted by a steel chair. At least he got away and ran for his life. He came back later with police though but the two hitters for away. 

The security guy which is like my friend ish like told me that the guy who get hit was someone you shouldn't mess with. He said that the two guys who hit the guy is gonna be down for some shit cause the guy who get hit is crazy and insane and he will surely get his revenge back by either stabbing someone.

Friday, May 18, 2012

We Are Young

Stayed home most of the day and just watched Running Man. Did abit of dance practice then I cbf.
Went over to Kle's for a drink up with 2dn. It was alright I suppose. Just some guys making cocktails of our own. We made one called the swamp and it was ewww. Laughed at Hoc but I felt quite sad aswell for him. Chilled with Hoc, Hieu and Kevin afterward for awhile.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Right By My Side

Went to Sbit with Stitch and Brotherbear to check up on the course I am gonna do soon. They just told me options on what to do. Walked back to city with Stitch and had lunch. Baker came then we chilled for awhile. Casiso with Baker and we both came out so devo again.... SIGH ! REHAB TIME ! Bus'ed it back with Baker and Stich. Chilled at Inala for awhile then headed home. My day was good until cas destroyed it :(

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Let's start our love again

69EVA !
Tafe went quite fast today since I actually did some work. Other than that, nothing cool happened. Just the usual day.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Came to Tafe and we had an exam first up. The whole class did so bad LOL since barely anyone knew there was an exam and barely anyone studied for it LOL I have been deciding on whether to go to Tafe at Eagle Farm or go to Sbit And it looks like it's gonna be Sbit but yeh. We will see sooner or later.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dirty Bass

Mum told me to take a day off today since I was sick. Just stayed at home resting all day. Watched movies and that was about it. Did abit of chores and help my mum around. WOOO Exam tomorrow and I don't even know what it's about since I didn't go to tafe today. Yay !

Sunday, May 13, 2012

All I Want Is You

I didn't get to post yesterday so here goes

Work was alrightish. Just some nerds playing Vanguards with us LOL then Tony, Thuan and I went exploring Inala and dug a hole to hide something that we will only reopen in 7 years time. 2019, We are waiting for you ! Went to Casino with Tony, his cousin and Thuan. Three of use loss :( and we did the walk of shame.

Happy Mothers Day !
Woke up feeling super tired and sick. Went to teach then headed home since I was too tired to go out. Slept for like 6 hours. Daaamnn. Haven't done that in ages.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Every End of the Day

Didn't really do much today.
  • Anime
  • Chores
  • Movie
  • PS3
  • Dance

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Look at me now

Watched Avengers again with Hannah, Tony and Hieu. I wouldn't wanna watch it a third time though. Casino afterwards for awhile. I manged to double the amount I brought in :) But sadly Tony and Hieu loss. Met up with Ronnie, David, Steven, Neilson, Carly and this other girl for dinner. Ate ate Jojo's and it was crap and expensive but meh, free food and movie today so I am happy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It was such a boring day at tafe today. Felt like it was a week man. Time flew so slow since I was doing noting at all. Just staring into space.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I Know

Watched another Pokemon Movie. Up to number 9 now. A few more to go. YAY ! Loving Pokemon so much ! It's getting a bit colder and abit harder to get out of bed now.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Call Me Maybe

 Future Family
Stayed home most of the day today. Did some dance practice at home by myself. Then Pokemon movie marathon. Got to the 8th movie then I stopped. There are just too many movies now. Went over to Mymy's to practice dance as a group. Didn't really do much.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I'm sorry.
Stayed up allnight last night cause I couldn't sleep. Went to youth and did the usual. Went to celebrate Vi's birthday at sunnybank. Ate and pool. That was about it.

Never Learn

Work today was really busy for the first half of it. The second half, Tony, Ronnie, Hoc, Kiet and I pulled a table between Tony's and the store i was working at and played thirteen. The punishment was to take a shot of Fish sauce. FML. I would rather take alchy than fish sauce. Tasted so so bad. We pretty much got fcked up by fish sauce :L 

Went to Sunnybank and ate with Tony, Denis and Brandan later on in the night. Afterward we head to Michelle's and PAAAARTY ! It was quite a fun night I guess. Took care of Vinh alot though than Hannah :L I only took about 5 shots though. I think it was 5 but I have a feeling I took more LOL. Was meant to go clubbing but then everyone decided not to go since most were fcked up. Stayed back with Hannah and Mande since we had to wait for our lift home. *Stares at Tony/Denis* We were just chilling with Michelle outside the house under the full moon and beautiful night.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Stayed home and cleaned my wardrobe abit and sorted out my cosplay stuff. Went over to Mymy's and did dance practice. We didn't really do much. Afterward Mymy, Linda and myself went to Justsoy cafe and got desserts. Chilled and talked there for awhile.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Went to city with Myvy and shopped for awhile. Everything was so expensive and I didn't bring much :( Was meant to get shoes but most of them looked eww and too much ! Met Hannah and Mande and ate with them. Myvy left to go shopping and uni so I went with the other two and shop for Duyen a birthday present. Got her shoes then we headed to UQ. I was meant to go casino but meh. Got to UQ and it was so so HUGE ! It's like the size of Brisbane city man. 

Went around looking for Duyen but on the way to the place she was meant to be at. We met her and Jasmine LOL. Gave her present and said Happy Birthday (^) The three of us then bussed it to Indro according to Duyen. That's how you get home to Inala the fastest ! She is such a genis on this stuff now :L Caught a random bus and hoping that it goes to Indooroopilly shopping centre instead of Indooroopilly train station. Got to the shopping center and we decided to go shopping instead of home.

 The girls went into girls stores while I was chilling outside or eating or shopping LOL. Went around like the whole of indro and found a good present for Michelle. Too bad it was expensive. Called other people to chip in then went back and got the present from Swarovski. Also got her a ring from Pandora.Went to eat Hanaichi afterward then bussed it back to Inala. Shopped at choice and found something else we can add with Michelle's present. Walked the girls home then walked home myself. Got home and had to go to a youth meeting. It was okayish/boringish. Drove to Maccas and ate. It was free since the boss was paying for everything.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

When I can't sing

                         I LOVE YOU ! POKEMON !
Nothing excited happened today. Just the ordinarily tafe and tafe that. I was so sleepy for some reason and spent four hours doing nothing. YAY ! I get another 5 days weekend :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


All the anime characters in the previous posts had changed my life.
Passed my exam like a piece of cake. 25/26 :) Head to Inala and stayed at Tony's for like an hour and a half. Then we headed to Vinh's. There was Oscar, Leon, Randy, Hieu, Tony and Vinh there. Everyone played Yugioh except Oscar. Played three games. 3v3. It took so long to finish one game. Quite fun but tiring.