Thursday, May 3, 2012


Went to city with Myvy and shopped for awhile. Everything was so expensive and I didn't bring much :( Was meant to get shoes but most of them looked eww and too much ! Met Hannah and Mande and ate with them. Myvy left to go shopping and uni so I went with the other two and shop for Duyen a birthday present. Got her shoes then we headed to UQ. I was meant to go casino but meh. Got to UQ and it was so so HUGE ! It's like the size of Brisbane city man. 

Went around looking for Duyen but on the way to the place she was meant to be at. We met her and Jasmine LOL. Gave her present and said Happy Birthday (^) The three of us then bussed it to Indro according to Duyen. That's how you get home to Inala the fastest ! She is such a genis on this stuff now :L Caught a random bus and hoping that it goes to Indooroopilly shopping centre instead of Indooroopilly train station. Got to the shopping center and we decided to go shopping instead of home.

 The girls went into girls stores while I was chilling outside or eating or shopping LOL. Went around like the whole of indro and found a good present for Michelle. Too bad it was expensive. Called other people to chip in then went back and got the present from Swarovski. Also got her a ring from Pandora.Went to eat Hanaichi afterward then bussed it back to Inala. Shopped at choice and found something else we can add with Michelle's present. Walked the girls home then walked home myself. Got home and had to go to a youth meeting. It was okayish/boringish. Drove to Maccas and ate. It was free since the boss was paying for everything.

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