Sunday, May 6, 2012

Never Learn

Work today was really busy for the first half of it. The second half, Tony, Ronnie, Hoc, Kiet and I pulled a table between Tony's and the store i was working at and played thirteen. The punishment was to take a shot of Fish sauce. FML. I would rather take alchy than fish sauce. Tasted so so bad. We pretty much got fcked up by fish sauce :L 

Went to Sunnybank and ate with Tony, Denis and Brandan later on in the night. Afterward we head to Michelle's and PAAAARTY ! It was quite a fun night I guess. Took care of Vinh alot though than Hannah :L I only took about 5 shots though. I think it was 5 but I have a feeling I took more LOL. Was meant to go clubbing but then everyone decided not to go since most were fcked up. Stayed back with Hannah and Mande since we had to wait for our lift home. *Stares at Tony/Denis* We were just chilling with Michelle outside the house under the full moon and beautiful night.

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