Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm Gone

 Kinda made up my mind.
I came home late yesterday and was too tired to blog.  So for yesterday,

Work was boring as usual but a few came to visit me. Linda chilled with me for awhile afterward. Tony and Denis came over my place to chilled before we headed to Kevin's Le for Lau. Came there and just ate. The Lau was spicy and I am not good with spicy food but still better than nothing. The four of us, including oscar then drove to Cas. It was so hilarious how Oscar, Denis and I loss. We just Laughed out Loud for like ages :L Tony shouted us soft serve and man, it was like the best one ever. Makes us feel so happy when we were :(. Came back to Kevin's and the boys made a fire so we just sat and chilled. Drove to Jack's to grab his poker set then came back and gambled more :L Played Poker, Blackjack and Baccarat. It was an alright night. 

Today, after youth, we had a meeting which was about organizing our event in two weeks. And we did some good practice for our dance. Pretty intense when we added in some stunts like flipping and that. It hurt alots though :L

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