Monday, January 31, 2011


My cousins came over Today. They asked me to put anti virus program on for them. After a while. They started to argue about borrowing money from each other. It went on for so long. I was like can't you guys go home and sort this out.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Early Revision

I spent the majority of my time Today revising over what I had learned at school. I still don't understand what we are doing in Chemistry.
^ LOLOLOLOLOL This made my day. 
Second week of School starts tomorrow. A full week of school. Hopefully it won't be too stressful.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Never again DoTA

I have officially quit DoTA Today. I will never ever touch DoTA again. Bye Bye DoTA. School Here I come! Tried to study but was cbfing. Went back on Rappelz to check if there were anything new. Haven't went on ever since April. Once I got on most of my random friends that I made online were like "where were you this past few months". They over power level me now.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Walking to 102 Bus stop after school had never been as hard as today since I had to carry all my text books. The heat also made my progress to the bus stop slower.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


It was bloody hot today. Second day of grade 12 = FML. Chemistry was so hard. Maths C was confusing at the beginning. Maths B was hard and confusing as always. (FUUU Mrs Biedak) IPT was alright but the whole class got kept in for talking too much.
Randy gave me a Wanted poster of Nami as a present from Vietnam
Thank you so much Randy
Yay Sport tomorrow.
Tutor tonight Sighh

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Australia Day.

Its Australia day Today YAY. The boys and I had a barbie at skylark park. It was funny how we placed two Australia Flag beside our table. The food was alright since we cooked it our self, afterward we went to Phone shop David house to play water balloon. it was a free for all game. But most of us aimed for Tony and Jack. Since we only had one packet of water balloon and shared among like 15's of us. It only lasted for like 3 rounds. We than spit into 4 groups. One went with Toan's dad to grab water balloons at the shop and then meet up at Vinh's, and the other two called the cab. Tony and David needed to go to Inala so they called for the 6 seater while the other group called for an 10 seater. The first cab to arrive was the 6 seater and Hoc thought that was our cab so everyone except Tony and David hoped on. Once we got on we realized that this wasn't our cab. Such Embarrassment. While Kt and Leon walked home. We then caught the cab to Vinh's house to say Happy Birthday to him. When we arrived at Vinh's house we decided to go to Neison's house to play Wii. It was so bloody hot walking to Neilson place while was two house away from Vinh's. Once we got to Neilson we then changed our mind and went back to Vinh's house to play Water Bomb fight since it was so fcken hot. This time it was Dark colour T-shirt Vs Light colour T-shirt. I was on the Light side with Denne, Huy, Vinh, Neilson, Hieu. The dark side consist of Oscar, Hoc, Jack, Toan and Alex Dang. While Kiet and Hoa stayed in the house with Vinh's mum. Dunno if they were helping her with the cooking or not. We then created two difference base. The Light side had two wheelies bin and the dark side pulled the trampoline upward. We filled water balloon into two different buckets. Then the Fight starts. Every time the water balloon hits the trampoline it bounce right back at us. Such an Imba base. After a while Round two starts.Vinh and I hid behind the dark side base and got them from behind. Such a good strategic. Round 3 started to become quite crazy. We also used buckets of water to wet each other. Then Denne and I came up with an awesome idea. We took some Ice from the Eski that were used for the BBQ. Then mixed the ice with the water in the bucket. The water was fcken cold as. We managed to get Oscar, Hoc and Alex with the cold as water. After a while it became more crazier. Hoc started to grab the hose and used it. Everyone got totally soaked. We then dry our self up abit. Afterward Hoa, Kiet, Jack, Oscar, Neilson went home. We then decided to play YU-GI-OH. Can't believed we were playing this. We played 3 rounds which lasted for like 2 and a half hours. School tomorrow..Sigh. Cbf studying after a day like this. Oh btw I managed to get Alex Dang ID photo. Hope everyone had an awesome Australia day.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Grade 12 Here I come

First day back to school was quite boring. Had a long as assembly that lasted for like a hour and a half. It was so hot! I was super tired today cause I didn't get much sleep last night. Went to bed at 10 pm and couldn't sleep till 2 am. I have got to change my sleep pattern.  Can't believe we don't have Mr Fox teaching us Maths C any more. He was like the best Maths Teacher I have ever had. Time Tables are fck up this year. Sport on a Friday Morning!? Are you fcking serious! We are all gonna be urber tired on Friday. I'm planning to study hard out this year. Hopefully my grades will be much better than what I got last year.
Tomorrow is Australia Day which means its a day off school YAY :))

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Trip to Canberra

1st day- We got to Canberra around 12ish and we ate more Asian food at my aunt house then we all had 2 hours rest. Most of us went to sleep while I just sat there watching my cousins play Team Fortress 2. After everyone woke up we then went to National museum of Australia. We only manage to stay at the museum for an hour since it close at 5 pm. At night we watched some movies. The movies were Matilda, Inception and Exorcism of Emily Rose and harry potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. After watching we realised that it was 3 am and we weren’t tired at all.

2nd day – Everyone was busy preparing for my cousin 21st Birthday party. When the party started I took some shot of Midori and some cocktails. Then me and my cousins just hid in a room and just talk about everything there is to talk about. While we were talking my drunken uncle came in and started to say something that I couldn’t understand. After the party die out my cousin and I played Street fighter and Blazblue. Man, he is so pro at those games. It was getting late so I decided to go to sleep

3rd day – Woke up early and drove all the way down to Sydney to return our rental car and to catch our flight. The flight was delayed for 1 hour and a half. FUUUUU JETSTAR. Got home safely.

Trip to Sydney

As you can see I was in Sydney and couldn’t blog. This is basically a simplified post of what I had missed out on blogging.

1st day- Once we landed on Sydney we headed to the car rental place to rent a car. Afterward we headed to out motel in Liverpool, the hotel was El Toro, It was an okay motel to me. Thanks God we brought out GPS or else we would have been loss trying to figure the way around Sydney. Afterward we headed to Cabramatta to eat and check out the Asian-ness of the place compare to our awesome Inala. It was just like being in Vietnam again. Later on in the afternoon we drove to the Opera house. It was so nicely design.

2nd day - We headed to Cabramatta again to eat some Asian food for breakfast. After breakfast we decided to go check out China Town. We went to Paddy’s Market in china town and once we got there. It was every man for themselves, we all spit up and traveled around the market by ourselves hoping to buy something good. I only managed to brought a plush toy and a Anime poster. The place is so easy to get loss. Everyone got loss like 31461487131 times. While my dad and uncle went to eat, my cousins and I went to Maccas to eat soft serve. After visiting China town we caught the monorail to the city. Once we got to the city we all once again decided to spit up and go shopping by ourselves.

3rd day –We drove to Canberra for my cousin 21st Birthday. It was a three hours trip.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sydney here I come.

I'll be heading to Sydney tomorrow morning so today I packed my bag. BYE BYE BRISBANE AND HELLOOOO SYDNEYYY~!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Giving a hand

Today My brother and I went to Rocklea to help clean up people houses. It was so muddy. The smell is just awful. Everyone was so kind and helpful. People from far far away even came to help. Watching people who loss everything just made me want to cry. :`( All these expensive items were destroyed, houses were being knock down, trees were dead. Everything gone in an instant.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Most of my day consist of watching Phim Tau, Family Outing and the News. Phim Tau that are translated to Vietnamese helps me with my viets so much. I can't believe that 3 cyclones are near Australia. Now is not the time for cyclones. I'm planing to help clean up my friends house tomorrow that have been damaged by the devastating flood. Its the least I can do for Queensland.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blue Skies

Today was a sunny day with bright, clear blue skies. For some odd reason I was hooked into the news and spent hours and hours just watching it. Hopefully the flood around Brisbane will recede more faster.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today wasn't running much but I heard that it was still flooding alot. I took a drive with my driver instructor to Oxley and Sherwood. Most of the houses there are like fully flooded. I couldn't see the roundabout anymore. Had to do heaps of U'turns. FCK YOU FLOOD! WHY YOU MAKE ME U'TURN'S SO MUCH? Most of Inala has blackout, luckily my house haven't got blackout. Tonight My relatives evacuated to my house to stay for the night. Which also means that I get kick out of my room and have to sleep outside. :(
Stay Safe guys!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today the news took over and reports of flooding in Queensland was all over Television and Facebook. Even the shops that sells food were making lots of money due to the flood. :(  Hopefully Inala doesn't get flood.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Work Work Work

Today I looked after my uncle shop since his family is going on a vacation. The shop is Hardware Kitchen at Inala. There wasn't much customer today since it was raining thought out the day. It was quite boring so I decided to go over to my other uncle store and took some Korean drama and watched them while I working. Sigh, another day of working tomorrow.    

Saturday, January 8, 2011


** I Love you **
(Highlight the the *'s with you mouse)

Friday, January 7, 2011


I restored my phone today but before I did it, I backed it up into my computer. But for some old reason it gave me an error when I try to place my backup files back into my phone. RAGE RAGE! anyways I also got a new number, so easy to remember as well. Its 0415544999 CALL ME.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I saw my cousin playing Pokemon Heart Gold the other day so I have decided to play Pokemon Soul Sliver. Once again I've became addicted to my DS. I have also started to watch most of the Pokemon movies. They are so good and epic. I realized that the guy name Ash Ketchum was also called Satoshi in the Japanese version of Pokemon. I LOVE POKEMON

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Short Hair

One of my New Year Resolution was to get a haircut from the hairdresser. Today I finally got a haircut from the hairdresser. I've been cutting my own hair ever since August. Can't believe the price increased by $3 ever since August. My hair is pretty short at the moment.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Nothing much happened today. All I did was the usual Dota, Anime, eat, sleep, TV and PS3.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Another day at the beach again with the Youth group. The wave was rather more stronger and higher than the wave yesterday. The Sun was like trying to kill me. I got sunburnt all over my body and it string like shit. Should of used more sunscreen. After the coast we head to Sunnybank for dinner and desert.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Turning older

It was my 17th Birthday today so I went to the Coast with my family. It was so relaxing taking walks along the beach. My Birthday brought me happy moments :) and unhappy moments :(

1) Went for a Swim
2) Ate BBQ
3) Went for another Swim
3) Took walk to the park and back
4) Korean BBQ (Best of all of them)

1) Got a sprinter on my finger
2) Got stung by blue bottles
3) Got bitten by an bull ate (Hurt the most)

Thank you everyone who said Happy Birthday to me. Love you all

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year Everyone!! ♥


Cindy's Sweet 17th

Yesterday we went to city to celebrate Cindy's sweet 17th birthday. It was a surprise party where everyone was in a karaoke room before Cindy and Leon came. Happy Birthday Cindy. Afterward we went and play pool and then we spit up looking for something to eat. Later on everyone met at south bank Cinemas. Ronnie and I came late and so we asked most of the people what their are watching. Most of them answered Love and other drugs. So we decided to watch as well. When it was time to go in and watch the movie, only Leon, Cindy, Lil-Yen and her boyfriend went in with us to watch the movie. Ronnie and I thought everyone was watching the movie but it was only the two couples watching it. FML. Trolled hard. When we walked in all I can see is couples everywhere. While watching the ads Blake and Alex came in as well then Anthony came in. We asked Anthony why he would come in. His answer to our question were "The sex scene man". I LOLed so hard. After the movie most of the people went back to Kevin Le house while Ronnie, Anthony, Lil-Yen, her boyfriend and I stayed back. We then went to noddles box to eat. Then we met up with Blake and Tony and went to pool again. Later on Huy,jack and Hieu came. We then decided to go to timezone for bowling but bowling was all taken up so we went and play Laser Force. It was fun but also tiring. Afterward we needed somewhere to rest so we decided to go to Cyber Lounge and play CS and Cod. It was time for the Fireworks so we went and watched it. It was pretty amazing. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! Ronnie, Anthony and I then walked to Mater Hospital but half way we stop at Rydges. Ronnie sister picked us up and we went home. I got home at like 1:46am and fell to sleep straight away.