Sunday, January 23, 2011

Trip to Canberra

1st day- We got to Canberra around 12ish and we ate more Asian food at my aunt house then we all had 2 hours rest. Most of us went to sleep while I just sat there watching my cousins play Team Fortress 2. After everyone woke up we then went to National museum of Australia. We only manage to stay at the museum for an hour since it close at 5 pm. At night we watched some movies. The movies were Matilda, Inception and Exorcism of Emily Rose and harry potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. After watching we realised that it was 3 am and we weren’t tired at all.

2nd day – Everyone was busy preparing for my cousin 21st Birthday party. When the party started I took some shot of Midori and some cocktails. Then me and my cousins just hid in a room and just talk about everything there is to talk about. While we were talking my drunken uncle came in and started to say something that I couldn’t understand. After the party die out my cousin and I played Street fighter and Blazblue. Man, he is so pro at those games. It was getting late so I decided to go to sleep

3rd day – Woke up early and drove all the way down to Sydney to return our rental car and to catch our flight. The flight was delayed for 1 hour and a half. FUUUUU JETSTAR. Got home safely.

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