Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Grade 12 Here I come

First day back to school was quite boring. Had a long as assembly that lasted for like a hour and a half. It was so hot! I was super tired today cause I didn't get much sleep last night. Went to bed at 10 pm and couldn't sleep till 2 am. I have got to change my sleep pattern.  Can't believe we don't have Mr Fox teaching us Maths C any more. He was like the best Maths Teacher I have ever had. Time Tables are fck up this year. Sport on a Friday Morning!? Are you fcking serious! We are all gonna be urber tired on Friday. I'm planning to study hard out this year. Hopefully my grades will be much better than what I got last year.
Tomorrow is Australia Day which means its a day off school YAY :))

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