Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cindy's Sweet 17th

Yesterday we went to city to celebrate Cindy's sweet 17th birthday. It was a surprise party where everyone was in a karaoke room before Cindy and Leon came. Happy Birthday Cindy. Afterward we went and play pool and then we spit up looking for something to eat. Later on everyone met at south bank Cinemas. Ronnie and I came late and so we asked most of the people what their are watching. Most of them answered Love and other drugs. So we decided to watch as well. When it was time to go in and watch the movie, only Leon, Cindy, Lil-Yen and her boyfriend went in with us to watch the movie. Ronnie and I thought everyone was watching the movie but it was only the two couples watching it. FML. Trolled hard. When we walked in all I can see is couples everywhere. While watching the ads Blake and Alex came in as well then Anthony came in. We asked Anthony why he would come in. His answer to our question were "The sex scene man". I LOLed so hard. After the movie most of the people went back to Kevin Le house while Ronnie, Anthony, Lil-Yen, her boyfriend and I stayed back. We then went to noddles box to eat. Then we met up with Blake and Tony and went to pool again. Later on Huy,jack and Hieu came. We then decided to go to timezone for bowling but bowling was all taken up so we went and play Laser Force. It was fun but also tiring. Afterward we needed somewhere to rest so we decided to go to Cyber Lounge and play CS and Cod. It was time for the Fireworks so we went and watched it. It was pretty amazing. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! Ronnie, Anthony and I then walked to Mater Hospital but half way we stop at Rydges. Ronnie sister picked us up and we went home. I got home at like 1:46am and fell to sleep straight away.

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