Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sentinel Prime

Hoa suddenly called me and asked me if I wanted to go Indro and buy stuff. I was like okay. He replied with "I'll pick you up in 3". I was like wtf.... wow. While driving around Inala we also called TD and told him he has 3 min to get prepared before we picked him up. Hoa's mum dropped us off at Inala. We called Johnnie and asked if he wanted to come. We told him he has 15 min to run to Inala before the 460 came. Went shopping for camp and watched Transformer. It was awesoomeee! Worth the 17 bux. I'm gonna be evil and spoiled the movie for you guys. Bumble Bee died. :`(

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nero Promises


  • Bacon and eggs
  • Anime
  • Inala
  • DFO
  • SPAM (Tasted so goooood like always)
  • Anime
  • Lion King 1
  • Nap
  • Tutor (So pointless and boring)
  • Anime

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I Am The Best

Stayed home all day just to open the door for my Grandpa who is coming to Brisbane today. He didn't want anyone to pick him up so he train and bus it all the way from the airport to Inala. I was so scared that he might get loss somewhere since he doesn't know that much English. He made it safe but then he was meant to be home at 2ish. It was three and he hasn't came yet, I was so scared that I had to call my dad. Found out that he was at Inala Civic chilling.

I also restored and Jailbreak my iPod today. I can finally put new songs into it now since iTunes blocked me from using the iPod a month ago.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Love Recipe

Bunnings with Randy and Thuan to get my cosplay materials. Caught the Cab to my house since we had to carry woods home. While walking out to Inala we saw 102 so we ran straight to the bus stop. Upon reaching Inala we saw the 460 bus. As soon we hop of the bus, Thuan and I ran as fast as we could to the 460 but we were too late. So we ended up catching the 102 to Corinda Station then caught the train to Indro. Once we got to Indro we rushed to Hanaichi since we were so hungry. Chicken Curry <3 Went shopping for clothes until we had no money left. Kung Fu Panda 2 was alright

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lover Cop


So yesterday there were four groups, Cooking, Tent, Fire and Cleaning up. I was placed in the cooking group since I had girl hands. We basically had to cook food for a group of 20 people. We made Bo Kho (Vietnamese Beef Stew)
for dinner and Bacon and eggs for Breakfast. Also did desert and campfire food. What we did at the mini camp was play some games then campfire. Sang some songs, had funny talks and just chilled. We ate our midnight campfire food. It consist of Chicken, Sweet potatoes and Marshmallow all made by the cooking crew Yayers.

So the other tent which consist of Hoa, Toan and Tam went to bed so early. They went at 12:30am while my tent stayed up to 4ish. Played Thirteen in the tent before we slept.Our tent was the loudest since we sang all this random song while everyone else was trying to sleep. 

As punishment when we woke up there were cling-warp blocking the tent entrance and there was a ladder and tons of chairs in front of the entrance to our tent. There were also a bucket of water on top of the ladder. Luckily I noticed something was happening to the tent so I slowly went out. If I were to go out in a rush I would had been soak and hurt. It was quite cold but the fire warm us. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Can Read You

Chilled at Inala with Jack, Leon, Alex and Kiet. I have a sleepover night with my youth group tonight. It's gonna be practice for our real camp next week. Will blog about it tomorrow. Time to look for my sleeping bag. Byeee

Friday, June 24, 2011

Up In The Air

Today was the school Sport Carnival. I have to say it was quite boring most of the time but still enjoyable. Fell asleep for like 15 min or so I think. Woke up with heaps of energy and I just wander around everywhere. Saver and I decided to cut letters out and sticking them on people jersey trying to change their name to something else. We added a B to Lam making it turned into LAMB. Changed Una Obara to Obama and Osama. Hoa to Hoax and some others. Btw Dibbil won Yayers  WOO It's finally holidays :) Time to relax and update myself on alot of stuff.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It Girl

[Insert Picture here once again]

Blog-spot wouldn't lemme upload any pictures for some reason.
OMG I'm sick the day before Sport Carnival and the holidays. My head was down most of the time in all my classes today. So tired and it was so cold. I should stay home tomorrow but I don't wanna destroy my Perfect Attendance for the year :/

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sweet Dream

[Insert Picture here]

I'll do that later LOL Procrastinating already
Mrs Codyre (Tresillian) is an awesome teacher. During English we asked her if we can watch Lion King and told her that it was based on Hamlet. Ended up watching it but she told us to take our books and pens out and pretend to do work when a teacher come LOL. During watching the movie someone knocked on the door. We all quickly picked up or pen and pretended we were studying about the discourse of Lion King LOL. I feel like watching Lion King 2 now.

We always get kept back in for IPT but today Mrs Jacobs told us to do a journal of what we were did today in class. The journal consist of a aim. I wrote down "My aim for today was to get out of class on time". After she read that she crack up so much hahaha.

During Physics the school had a fire drill which was alright since I missed out on half of Physics. I managed to wet some people asses which was quite funny when they notice it.

Chem was so bloody boring, almost fell asleep even though I weren't even tired at all. The whole back row had their heads down.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I don't know what it is but its kinda cute.

So after school I came out of class late at 2:53 and the 102 bus arrives at 3:01. I had to run all the way to the bus stop by myself. While Running I heard a noise coming from my bag, I ignore it and kept on running since I was late. After I hopped on the bus I realized that the noise that came from my bag was my bag getting ripped. :( Looks like it is time to bring out the girl Lam and time for some sewing.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Break Down

The eyeeess are so nice
Had 3 substitutes today so bludged the whole day. I've been buying so much stuff online and now I'm just waiting for them to arrive. Hurry up and come to your Master my little items.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Next 2 You

Its a real life Pokemon
Cuboneeee !
Linda cut my hair today. I've got to say it, my sideburns aren't even and my hair is so short. My ears are freezing now. :( but I don't really care about it much anyways. Came home and fixed the top part of my hair abit. Chilled at Inala with my cousins. Picked up a 360 and PS3 at Huy's, while walking home and carrying the consoles, there were two abo's walking behind me, I was quite scared but I got home safe YERR !

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hot Summer

Hot Summer is a pretty catchy song.
WOO HOO. I've been selected to participaite in the Dragon Nest closed Beta. The game is kinda the same as Dragonica cept it's in 3D and there are others features. The storyline seems to be the same. It's still in beta so hopefully it will get better when it is officially out.

I'm gonna sleep early from now on. Need to catch up on sleep.

Friday, June 17, 2011


oh haii there John :)
In English Lynn happened to stumble upon this picture in a Time Magazine. It looks so much like John Duong.

After school I saw Thuan running like crazy to the 102 bus top and he didn'tn eve stop to say bye to me. 3 min later Alex Saver and I decided to catch up with Thuan. We ran all the way to the 102 bus stop just to catch up with him. The bus that leaves at 3:01 now and that was the reason Thuan ran LOL. We were so happy that we didn't missed it. It was pretty tiring running up the hill.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bass Down Low

That's so me. In the moment you realized you are gonna die, You do anything to escape.
Got my result for two subjects, I'm pretty happy with them but for the others subject I know, I did so bad, I don't even want to see my marks for them. School was boring as. Bludged the whole time. Physics #2 exam tomorrow and Idgaf about it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Maths C was so horrible :(  I failed fosho. I knew I should have slept last night instead of studying.  Gonna fail anyways. Planned to take a nap at 3 pm but Dad came home and said we have to go somewhere. I went with him and it was so boring. Half of the time I was half-asleep. I want to sleep so bad but I couldn't. It was also cold outside. Just got home and I am so freaking tired as crap.
Anyways ima hop to bed now. Goodnight guys, sweet dreams.

Look at me now

^Me atm

 Stayed up all night studying Maths C. Luckily I had someone to keep me accompany or else I would be bored trying study and I might even fall asleep. Thank you for being there. I Didn't complete all the exercises and revision sheets in time but managed to study a tiny bit all night. Hopefully the test would be easy, just hopefully.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Never Meant To Break Your Heart

I never meant to break your heart
I never meant to tell a lie (8)

Stayed home all day and try to study. Family went shopping while I had to stay home then they went to a party when I also had to stay home. Turns out I procrastinate so much and barely any work was done.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


^ That's me.      jokes.

Played Poker at Toan's and ate KFC. Came home and took a quick nap which turned into a four hours nap. Woke up and like was holy crap I need to study. Spent only 15 mins on work then got distracted by many many things.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


We're not puppets, We are Fairy Tail Wizards!!!

Went for a Maccas run with Kevin Le just then. We literally ran like ran ran. It tasted so delicious after all that running. Started to rain on the way back but luckily I brought my umbrella with me. :) Oreo McFlurry <3
Four exams down...three more to go..sigh.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Love You

Chemistry was just ......... anyways. Went to Biota after Chem with Hoc to have some Country Fried Chicken. Tasted so good man. Chilled at Kiet house and played Super Smash Bros with Hoc for 3 frikken hours. Our eyes was so dead after, Couldn't handle any more Super Smash. Tai and Kevin Le came over to pick us up. Walked to Jack's and chilled once more. Caught the bus home, once I got in front of my house I realized that I forgot to bring my key with me and no one was at home. Waited outside my fence for 30 mins until my dad and brother finish work It was so cold and the mosquitoes never stop draining my blood. Got bitten so many times.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Everyday I'm Studying

^ My Battle Station. 

I used this Station to battle against problems. I used to use it to battle against online people and troll but now, its just Questions and Problems. Btw Tea helps keeps you awake and warm you up in this cold weather. Chemistry tomorrow :(( Gay so frkken gay.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


OMG That guy is so dep trai~
I wished I looked like him LOL.  Nah ewwwww so ugly

Mande happened to took that picture during Maths C. That was what I did on the blog about Fiesta Fashion. I tried to took down the Maths B exam today but I ran outta time.Went to Sunny Bank with Kelvin, Hoa and Thuan. Ate and played pool. Pretty chillaxing
Well time to cram for Ipt and Chem and also Bio. Byee~

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Hey Maths B, FU! Spent my whole day tryna study for Maths B. Procasitinate so much thoughout the day. Just found out that the topic is huge as and we need to remember so much. Mrs Redman revision sheet is so hard and crapy. She doesn't even gives us the answer man. Studying off the text book is much better than the revision sheet. Hopefully this exam is going to be easy. If not then FML.
Good luck to you peeps tomorrow.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hey, Soul Sister

First exam - Completed
Ate KFC with Hoc, Oscar and Kiet after our English exam.. Chilled at Kiet house and played Wii. Boxing is so fun but tiring at the same time. Chilled at Jack house afterward.

Sunday, June 5, 2011



Blocks tomorrow YAY YAY YAY. I'm so excited. jokes Blocks, you can smd.

Poetry is like a ram
It never crease to make you suffer
It will make your brain goes Bam!
Even if you are a buffer
Its attacks quickly in an exam.
Cheating will make you go to jail
You won't even have time to cram
Eventually you will fail.
It will even destroy a Lam.

My poem is such a fail LOL. Only managed to used 3 poetic techniques. I'm so gonna fail this exam.
Good luck to you all on your Poetry exam tomorrow.
Ima go start my study now. Byeeee.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Kissing You Goodbye

You know how I said I'm gonna be doing my intense study today, I lied LOL. Spent little amount of time on studying. Procrastinate so much.

My parents and brother went to a wedding leaving me at home with no food. Cousins came over since their parents are also at the wedding. I was too lazy to cook anything so we walked to KFC and ate some tasty CHICKEENN. Afterward we walked to Richland's McDonalds for some soft serves. Got chased by an angry dog. Upon entering, a security guard walked up to us and checked our Pepsi and Mountain dew bottle that we bought at KFC. He thought it was alcohol LOLOLOL. Saw Vinh working. He was saying something out loud to his work mate LOL.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Cruiser <3
Blocks in 3 days. So excited -Sarcasm- 
So cbf to study now. After tonight I'll be in intense study mode.
Btw I changed my auto-play song to the Jigglypuff song so you might be sleepy after reading my blog LOL

In the following 2 weeks mah life is gonna be like this :

Monday 8:50 - 10-50  - English
Tuesday - Sleep
Wednesday 8:50 - 10-50 - Maths B
Thursday 1:20 - 2:50 - IPT
Friday 11:20 - 12:50 - Chemistry
Saturday - Sleep
Sunday - Sleep
Monday - Sleep
Tuesday - 8:50 - 10-50 - Physics
Wednesday 8:50 - 10-50 - Maths C
Thursday - School
Friday 1:45 - 2:50 - Physics # 2

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fiesta Fashion

During Maths C I was so bored to the extent that I started to become a fashion dessigner after KT mentioned the word "Fiesta Fashion"  I made the scarf into a turban and then try to look like a terrorist. The next design was looking like a grandma LOL. Afterward it was Ryu from street fighter. Ran out of ideas with the scaft and started to play with my hair.

Pull both of my side burns behind my ear and made a spit fringe and wore Hoa glasses. I looked so nerdy LOL. Made a front poly tail afterward. The last style was pulling all my hair back by using booby pins. ( Don't ask why I had booby pins with me)

Nice Guy


Just got home from Social. It was ..... yea LOL. Kevin Le and I didn't eat anything before we went and we were both straving to death. Came home and had a feast on Noodles. Ate so much. I'm full now