Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sweet Dream

[Insert Picture here]

I'll do that later LOL Procrastinating already
Mrs Codyre (Tresillian) is an awesome teacher. During English we asked her if we can watch Lion King and told her that it was based on Hamlet. Ended up watching it but she told us to take our books and pens out and pretend to do work when a teacher come LOL. During watching the movie someone knocked on the door. We all quickly picked up or pen and pretended we were studying about the discourse of Lion King LOL. I feel like watching Lion King 2 now.

We always get kept back in for IPT but today Mrs Jacobs told us to do a journal of what we were did today in class. The journal consist of a aim. I wrote down "My aim for today was to get out of class on time". After she read that she crack up so much hahaha.

During Physics the school had a fire drill which was alright since I missed out on half of Physics. I managed to wet some people asses which was quite funny when they notice it.

Chem was so bloody boring, almost fell asleep even though I weren't even tired at all. The whole back row had their heads down.

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