Friday, September 30, 2011

Brown Hair

My aunty family in Canberra came to Brisbane. Went to eat at Inala with them. Chilled there with Tony and Thuan afterward. Later on went to DFO with Daddy and me bro. My brother bought a suit. Dad drove me to Mt Ommaney. Went around there looking for a place to top up my brother adult go card since I don't have any Id's or my gocard with me. Bused to City and grab the suit that I forgot to grab last time I went to city. 

Whole family came over for dinner. Cousin and I was bored again so we went to mt om since it was latenight shopping YEEE.Bought myself a vest. YAY. I managed to lodge my QTAC at 11:57pm. Good work Lam ! It kept on lagging so I had to reopened it many times and type in the same shit over and over. All those people who procrastinated cause the sever to lag including me LOL.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dreamers Fight


  • Chores - Mum woke me up at seven and told me to do chores for her. Took me like 3 hours to finish everything
  • Ice stake - Expected more people to be there but oh well
  • City - Bum around and ate
  • Family singing practice thingo - It was pretty loud.

Blue Moon

Went to city with TD. We went around and found a suit that looks nice that I would wear for parents 25th anvierscity so I told the lady that I would come back for it later on the day. Met up with Linda and went shopping around for abit. Linda went to Chermside to get something while Td and I stayed back at city. Went around city, just buming around like bogans. Met Randy and Hong at funhouse when I just won a plushie which costed me $2 YAY. Followed Randy and Hong around since we have nothing to do till 1. Followed them to a candy store where they bought some. 

Spited up with them and met up with Linda again. Bus'ed to South Bank and met up with Pumba and Mymy. They bought their tickets for Smurf while I waited for the other to come since I didn't have my Id's with me. (I blame Loan and Tanya for taking them and not returning them to me) Hoa, Toan, Johnnie and Ai Van came. I borrowed TD id and walked in to get a ticket. When they checked Hoa's Id, the lady at the counter checked it for a while but then she got to me she just took a quick glance at it and said okay. LOL

After we watched the Smurf, we went to back to city but on the way there we would sing that song in the Smurf. LA   LA   LA LA LA LA LALA (8) It was so catchy. 

Ate KBBQ then Hoa and Toan went home. Karaoke afterward. Sang to our hearts content. Found Ai van new talent aswell. Ice cream afterward then home we go. While on the bus we put eye liner on Td. He looks so funny.

I forgot to go back and grab my suit :( I will upload the photos next time

Monday, September 26, 2011

Nguon Song

Linda was playing with my laptop during camp so the peviouse post was her doing. 
Went  to TN Youth group Official 2011 camp (Official means that there are kids with us and we do the whole thing officially)
it was fun, tireding, awesome and dirty.

1st day
Pulled an allnight on my project and went to the camp site earlier than the group of kids and teacher to help set up the gate and other things. The bus with the kids and the rest of the teacher came afterward. I'm in the  DT rank (apprentice teacher) so we were like looking after the kids. The kids were split into 5 groups with they own name. The kids ate and play games and did activity while we prepared heaps of fun stuff for them. I was on toilet gurad while the kids was taking a shower and I am quite surprised at what I saw LOL. Talent quest was on at night. So the 5 group including the DT (Apprentice teacher group) have to do something.

We came up with the awesome idea of rmking Lion King. I'm was Kimba (Female human version of Simba) Our skit was so funny it was even in 4D. Sprayed water at them when I cried. Other group skits was good aswell. After the kids had they supper and went to bed. Most of the DT and HT(Teachers) went down to the campfire site and we made a fire. Roast Chicken, Potatoes and Marhmellow. You don't wanna know what I did down there HAHAHA. Went to bed at 2 and woke up at 5. 

2nd Day
Woke the kids up around 6ish and went for a bushwalk. It was kinda like an army walk thingo. Pretty fun since each group have a warcry. We blew the whistle while we made them jog then they have to scream out they warcry just like in the army LOL. Since the kids doesn't know what the time was thoughtout the camp they kept asking us but I kept lying to them so I drew a watch on my hand and told them it was three when ever they ask me what the time was. We used my laptop for the projecting of things and I forgot to change the time on it so the kids knew what the time was once but then afterward I changed the time. So when it was actually 4 they thought it was 6. 

Had heaps of activities for the kids. Each group have a flag with a pole that they must carry with them where ever they go. The DT and HT mission is to find a flag that is left alone and take it. Which ever group is missing they flag will get punish. Pretty funny since I found heaps of flagpole lying around so the kids got punish YAY. 
At night time it was the offical camp fire for them so each group incluidng the DT and HT have to recite a play from the bible. I was Jesus with a 6 pack (H) (Drew a 6 pack on me LOL) We blind fold the kids and made them hold on to each other and we lead them all the way down to the campfire. We made them pass obsticle such as going under and over thing and we held out a brach and said duck down there is a tree but we made the brach touch they held no matter how long they duck LOL. Also create wind by fun the kids. Spray water on them to make it look like a hard joney to the camp fire. Told them to take a big step when there was no step for them LOL.

Afterward we put the kids to sleep then went down to camp fire for chicckkenn and marhmellow. I was the nightguard for the night so I allnighted that night while watching Futurerama and guarding the campsite. At around 2ish a HT and I attacked the kids while they were still in they sleep. Went into each dorm and drew on they face LOL. My goal was done MUHAHAHAHAHA. 

3rd Day
We woke up and we started our BIG BIG GAME FOR THEM. The kids was like hahah look at your face, and the other kid was like look at your face too LOL. We tested them on all aspect of our thing. Some aspect are teamwork, Enthusiasm, Faith and leadership skill of the team. 

The Big game is like a race that follows a bible stroy. This year it was the story of Joseph the the 12 brothers. The big game have station where each group have to stop and do something. At my station I and Linda was a gurad for the Phaoroah so we asked them questions such as who they are and why there are here. If they aswered it wrong we would hit them just like guard hit people. When they answered it corrrectly we told them that the pahorah loves a song that has action and we made them do a song for us. If they song wasn't sang loud enough or the action wasn't good we would hit them and sent them around to practice it. When they pass it we sent them to the next station which was the paorah station. but before we sent them I told them the the path to the phaorah was hard and the path was to crawl pass my legs and that something from the heaven might fall down while you crawl under me hahaha.

Some group was exceeding with they teamwork and stuff but some was disappointing. Did some more activities afterward. Got wet during the poping of water balloon game.
Cooking competiction aftereward. We put diiferrent kind of food on different table. The kids are meant to make the best food. They also have to decorate they table and food. Different tables have different type of ingridient. Some have beef, pork and or chiken. We gave them fish salt, suguar, salt orange/apple and eggs.

Then camp ended at like 3ish so we took the kids back home by bus. 

The HT's TD and me went out for steak at night then ice cream then mount coota. City lights are so beautiful. Some of the Ht came back to my house at midight and had some talk. While we were talking I KO'ed on the spot since I had 3 hours sleep thoughtout the whole camp. allnigted twice and slept only for 3 hours. I was so dead tired.

oh yea here are a few some pics of the camp

 Bus arriving
 Groups was made with they group name
 Hoa came late and copied what I wore. Watta copycat
 Trippy photo
 Saluting flag
 Most of the females DT and HT
 The male DT
 Most of the male HT
 Body painting activity
 DT paiting bt The lip mark and fingers on the paper came from my body
 All the painting including HT and DT
 Learning lesson
 1st prize medal is two oranges
 Bored LOL
 The iPho group
 Bored once again
 My drawing I drew on them when they were asleep is awesome
 During the Big Game
 Having fun at Big game
 Our guard
 My station - Path to the Pharaoh
 Gaining ribbon for what thing they did as a group
 The teachers
 Teaching a group
 Lining up
 Group photo
 Looks raw
 Cut cut cut
 Nice drink
 Nice deco
 Oranges again
Going home

Saturday, September 24, 2011

epic fail.

oh hey everyone~
QUICK UPDATE written by.... LINDA

picture spam from the second day of camp :D

a proper update when we're all back from camp
lam is gay.

okay byee!