Monday, September 5, 2011

Crazy Love

Happy Father's Day !!

"Everyday is Father's day and Everyday is Mother's day, everyday we love our daddy and mummy. Today is just an even more special day for our father so we love him more." Quoted from my favorite Uncle from Brazil. Such wise words from him.
Visited grandma at cemetery. Whole family met up again.

All the adults went out (Probs for Father day with my grandpa) then went to this Vietnamese concert thingo. I had to stay home and babysit all the kiddies since my bro went out. We, older kids got very bored after a while so we decided to walk to Inala to get some ingredient to bake a cake. Of course we had to bring the little kids with us. But they didn’t want to go, all they wanted was to stay at my place and play games. So, I came up with an idea. To Bribe them LOL. Told them I was gonna get them lollies, ice cream and KFC. So many money spent on these kids. 

Afterwards we made cheesecake and M&M'S brownies. They both tasted alright but we couldn’t finish them My dad called me if I we wanted to eat something, so I told him we want KFC but then I was like how are you gonna get us KFC? He just said he has his way. A while after my bro came home with KFC and then he headed off again. So I still have to babysit them. 

Had a pen fight during the night. Watched Night of the museum 2. The adults came back at like 11ish and they were quite glad. They were like to each other “ We forgot to get desert when we were out but now when we came back the kids prepared us some YAY” mfw they said that. 

Babysitting took all my study time today so now I’m up again sigh.

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