Sunday, September 18, 2011

Best Team Ever

Went to TN for a bit then head out to Inala to meet up with the peeps who are going to Ronnie's. Decided to walk there and not ask my bro for a lift. On my way there I walked past my house and was thinking of asking my parents for a lift but I was like nah, I will walk it. When I got there I saw my parents drove past and I am like sighh, should have ask them for a lift. Walking was so hot. The heat man, is just so strong today. While at Inala, I then saw my brother and once again I was like dammit. should have ask for a lift.

Met up with Vinh then we went looking for Ronnie. Found him then went to Maccas for some light snack. While walking there Ronnie pushed me over to Vinh's right side and Vinh didn't have a clue what was happening. I was wearing this shirt that says " Epic Fail" with an arrow pointing to the left and it took Vinh like 15 minutes to realize it. Mande and Hannah came afterward. Met up with more people then Bus'ed to City and Fun House most of the time then off to Sushi Train we went. 

Karaoke and Pool afterward. Ronnie and Lam in a team = Never fcking losses. which equals to Best team ever. Ate at Pancake Manor with Randy oh opps I meant Ronnie, Hannah, Mande, Vinh, Hieu, Huy and Toannie. Ran as fast as we could to the bus stop. We made it in time but I've gotten hungry again. 

Ronnie, Huy, Hieu and I then walked Hannah home then we walked to Huy's place for him to ask for perimission to go to Ronnie's for the night. I walked home afterward to ask for permission aswell. Came home and there was like this mini-partyish thingo which was for preparation for my parents 25th anniversary. Asked to go and there and they didn't say anything so I just went. Hoc picked us four up and we went to Ronnies. Hoc, You are the man. 

Came there and Alex, Leon and Vinh was sitting outside waiting for us. Came inside and we started our Lan Party. WOOO. Shane, Andrian and Remy (I think it was Remy) then arrived later with their computers. Wtf man, can't believed they brought it. Blackie (Brandon) then came afterward then Kevin Le. Vinh Ko'ed so I was using his lappy. Played around with Facebook and Msn for a while. Whilst trolling I got rapped by Brandan and Hieu since I was calling them black and seed. Then Vinh rapped me with them afterward. I am now bleeding LOL.

Hoc drove me and Huy home since we had to go. The day was alright. Haven't had that much fun in a while.
Holy shit I have written alot today soz.

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