Tuesday, January 31, 2012


 Once I become a Pokemon Master, I will have heaps of Masterballs to use.
Second day of tafe was quite boring. Our main teacher came late again and when he came into the room he was like "I forgot me books" then walks out and came back 30 minutes later LOL. I think he went home and got them ahahahahaha. He taught us about bridges cause he kinda got carried away and went off topic then showed us video of bridges. Met the Computer teacher and he was chill as. Made some new friends that were in our class. They are pretty cool. Tafe is so chill. Eight hours of theory tomorrow! Gonna make me sleepy but I know I am super tank ... So 8 hours of theory, COME AT ME !

P.s - Miss Sushi is awesome. :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Raise the Bar

First day of Tafe wasn't that bad. Our main teacher is so derp though. Talked about the History of Tafe and the course. While searching for documents to show us he showed us a video of his granddaughter speaking in 4 different languages. He also showed us videos of random shit such as redbull ads, His daughter at a Brazil soccer game and more ad's. Had to 3 breaks total. Two 10-15 mins break and an hour break. Just chilled with Leon, Toan and Hogan. The Canteen has a good variety of decent food but it was balls breaking as. $5 for a can of V and $6 for a burger. Looks like I'm make my own lunch for now on. Going to Tafe from 8am - 5pm is quite tiring. At least I only got from Monday to Wednesday :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Turn up the music

Went around searching for a set of working clothes for Tafe tomorrow. Was planning to go to Iindro/city to get them but found them at Inala Yay ! No need to waste my money and time on bus. Stayed at my unclestore and help out for an hour-ish since it was pouring quite hard. Bought Grocery for mum then walked home. On the way home it started to pour again and I got wet :(
Hope Tafe will be fun tomorrow.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Losts Woods

Had 3 hours sleep since Grandparents were going back to Melbourne. Went to Training day for youth group. Learned about Leadership and how to teach different classes at a different age level. There were more that we learned. Play some mini games and had a meeting about the group. Came home and took a good nap since there wasn't anything else to do.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Went to Tobaki with Tony, Denis, Hoa, Vinh and Hieu. Ate so many plates of meat.
Denis bought a jar of sliver coins and use it to pay $25.5 for the feed. It was so hilarious. The owner of the store even took her iPhone out and took a photo of the coins HAHAHAHA. Took quite a while to court them though.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fly High

Hmm for Australia day I was meant to go to Goma with Randy for this cosplay event but I had to help clean and move stuff around the house since we had a party here a few days ago. Afterward I Went to eat Sushi train with Mymy, Hoa and Pumba then watched Journey 2 : The mysterious island. Got home and rested for abit then went over to cousins place to play. Swam in their pool then played Xbox Kinect. Just Dance 3 then Volleyball/Soccer. It was so fun but so so tiring.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Went and pay for my course and got my Student Card :) but I still have $12 on my adult gocard :( 
At least I get to watch movies for a cheaper prize now.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2012 - Dragon

 Sup guys ! CHUC MUNG NAM MOI !
Warning – This is gonna be quite a long post since it’s for the four days I didn’t get to blog.

So my aunty family from Canberra came to my place early in the morning yesterday. No one even knows they were coming. They even taxied it here from the airport. It was their surprise Tet present for us. Went to Visit my Grandma at the cemetery then headed to Inala for Lunch. Help sell Balloons and roses again at Tet festival. Met up with my cousins afterward then walked to my cousin place for a family party. Ate and gambled. We played Bau Cua and Bingo. The money range was like 50c to $3 since there was kids playing aswell. It was pretty fun. Made a profit of $5.50 Yeeeee ! Got LI XI aswell which means MONEY MONEY MONEY !

The main Tet party was held at my place. Ate heaps and I can finally drink with my family Yayers. After eating and drinking. The whole family had to parcipiate in a game created by my dad. We played games every year for Tet LOL. Firstly everyone picked a Li Xi from my tree. Some of the li xi’s are special. They were coins in there that are worth $5 and a piece of paper with a number and three playing cards. A poem was read out and it said something about 5 children’s looking for medicine to cure their mother. Everyone was clueless so my dad gave hints out. There was one coin that had a picture of 5 people on it. It was this one twenty cent coin. The member of the family who got that coin had to crawl around the tree 3 times and then another 6 metres to the 3 prizes. It was my family who had to crawl :(. The next game was 7 games of Bau cua where each family have to be the host once. While playing, our coins was being exchange to different people and no one realised it except my dad who created the game. The second family with the special coin won the second prize but had to crawl under a bridge. If the bridge falls down once then they would have to pass it onto a different family. The bridge fell two times LOL. Then for the last prize everyone has to line up in two lines and we were being drawn on with make up with the person opposite to them. The whole big family had funny faces afterward LOL. Then we all got whacked by a stick where we all have to lay down and get an ass whopping once. We did heaps more but I am too cbf to say it all out. So much laughter. The 1st prize was the hidden prize. Took so many poems and clues to find it LOL. The night was full of laughter and it was so epic. This only happens once a year. Afterward we started to Gamble again by playing Bau Cua and Bingo.  

Another tet party at my cousin place. Had a BBQ and drink and played bau cua. It was so epic Family against familys. Played Super Smash brawl with the kids afterward.

Took my cousins from Canberra out to the city. Just ate, funhouse, shopping and chilled around. Showed them the city of Brisbane. The rain was so lovely LOL. Jokes I was all wet. Lend the umbrella to the other guys.

Friday, January 20, 2012


 Year of da Dragons
We had the youth meet up at my place before we headed out to Tet to sell stuff. Most of the guys came over and asked me to use the shower. I ran outta towels to give them. Like 5 of them showered. Prepared stuff at my place and play a bit of Street Fighter then headed out to Festival. Got there and set up the place. I was in charge of one of the 2nd HQ as the sub commander LOL. Had to keep hold of the money.

I sold a few balloons and quite alot of roses. Got my break time and went on rides with peeps. It was pretty fun. Had walks around the place with Myvy, Mande, Randy and Hieu when all the rest left. Hanged around with Thang, Tam and Nam afterward. Just had walks around then we hit vtec yo and got home. I was locked outside my place for sometime before going in since only my grandparents were home and I didn't wanna wake them up. But I eventually woke them up :(

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Ate Maccas with Hoa, Td and Pumba and headed to our Youth group meeting. Just planned stuff for Tet. Looks like everyone is gonna come over to my place tomorrow before heading to the place.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

She Is a Flirt

My dad asked me if I wanted to go over to my cousin house. I said yep. He replied back with a "okay, you've got one second to get into the car" then he went into the car. I had the adrenaline rush and took the closest pants I saw and my iPhone and ran straight to the car. He was already reversing. Had to changed in the car LOL. There were heaps of people there and I was kinda in my pj's. IDGAF !

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Free the past

Found out I am pretty crap at rearrange a jigsaw puzzle :(

Monday, January 16, 2012

I won't give up

After work my uncle drove me home. On the way at the traffic lights, we saw a mouse running across the road to get to the other side. He was like Ratatouille and Stuart Little combined together. Dodging cars and shit. So pro. He didn't even get touched by any of the cars that drove pass. Then he climbed on a tree and fell but he stood up and try again and fell LOL The third time he try, he made it. Mouse also doesn't give up.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Cousins came over and hogged my Laptop and PS3. I basically just watched Kdrama (Viet dub) with my gramps.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Helped mum clean the house most of the day like a MAN and girl :(

Hoi Hoi

Such a good relaxing day !
City with some peeps. Funhouse was the first thing we did when we got there. Ate at Vapiano. Shared Cabonara with Myvy since it was quite alot to eat. I was quite full after eating only half of it. Rode the green cab (Bike). Went for a swim with Vinh then watched Tintin. It was really cold while watching cause I was all wet LOL. Shopping with half of the group. Got to Inala and Vinh and I decided to walk to Kiet's place. Got there and Hoa picked us up for Tobaki. Food was so good since you could eat as much as you like KBBQ. The 6 of us was so full man. Hoc, Kiet, Hoa, Alex, Vinh and me. Met Kt, Sang, Tony, Oscar, Michelle and Hannah there eating aswell LOL. Went to play pool at super8. Awhile after We met Kt's group again LOL.   

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

White Forever

You are so shit QTAC.
Stayed home during the day with Air-con. Felt so good until I walked outside and felt the heat wave of hell. Later at night went to Mt Cootha with Linda, Td and Mymy for dessert. Chilled there and talked about "what if something happen" stuff. It was pretty funny.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This is war

So many people visit me today at work to either get something from me or give me something LOL. So much exchanging happened today. I got a $145.67 cheque from Centrelink YAY ! Dunno why though. Went for a jog at Forest Lake after. It was so tiring but we made it. Ate Deep Fried Ice-cream after and it was delicious but so freaken expensive. $8 OMG. We thought it would have been around 3-4ish but it was $8.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Somebody That I used to Know

OMG it was so hot today and I was at work dying like a bitch. While working a phone started to ring and I thought it was my Uncles and he thought it was mine LOL It was actually an iPhone on the counter. We didn't know who it was LOL. I remembered that the last customer I serve was a girl. I took the phone and went to look for her. Didn't find her LOL. Her mummy was calling her. A few minutes later she came back and was scared so we gave the phone but to her LOL.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Went to youth meeting. It was faster than usual so that was the good thing. Watched Tangled and it was pretty good. I wish I have magic hair that can heal people. Played Pokemon on my DS after. It's training for me since I am gonna become the Pokemon Master in the real world soon. Gotta learn how to catch ;)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fairy Glitter

Oh god. Stayed home all day again and watched drama. I was so lazy to go out. So lazy.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Watched Movies and Drama's all day. Was meant to go out but I got lazy.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Went for a jog at Forest Lake and that was basically all I did today.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

After you fall asleep

Another hot day at work. Good thing the Customer today was nice. Mymy, Pumba and Ai van took me out to get some coffee. We ended up going to Mt Coota for some snacks and thick shakes. The view was so pretty tonight. Quite windy up there. Went looking around Milton after. walked around all the cafe's and restaurants.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Stage

Worked again. Tony picked me, Vinh and Brandan up. We headed down to Sunnybank with Steven and Hieu. Ate at little Taipai. hmm Steak... Yum ! Got to ice staking and meet up with Mande, Duyen and Randy. Another night at ice staking.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Just a feeling

OMG I am so old. I still wanna be a kid. Why must I turn into a man today. Well for my birthday, I had the best gift ever. I got to work with my mum again today. It was so boring and hot. At least we sold heaps today. Love using sign language to others when we both don't understand anything. 

Got home and took a nap since I am so overly tired over the past few days. Woke up and found out a couple of people are asking me to go out LOL. Too late they already went. Went out with Mymy, Td and Linda. It was pretty late so we just got dessert at Sb and chilled.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I got home pretty late yesterday and forgot to blog. Therefore, I will blog about yesterday now. Went to City with Huy. Funhouse, Cyberlounge and went for walks since we needed to do something to kill time. Met Hoa, Steven + his lil bro and Shane then we timezone, pool. Met quite alot of people that I knew. The other guys left early since they drove. Met 2dn group after. Fireworks started. It was pretty. 

Today = WORKWORKWORK. After the boring work I went to a family New Year Party. Just ate and ate.

What I did in 2011 -
  • Finished Highschool
  • Made Tumblr
  • Celebrated Parents 25th Anniversary
  • Allnighted 4 days in a row (I got fcked up so bad LOL)
I don't really remember what I did LOL. I will just leave it like it is now. I am such a lazy bum !