Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2012 - Dragon

 Sup guys ! CHUC MUNG NAM MOI !
Warning – This is gonna be quite a long post since it’s for the four days I didn’t get to blog.

So my aunty family from Canberra came to my place early in the morning yesterday. No one even knows they were coming. They even taxied it here from the airport. It was their surprise Tet present for us. Went to Visit my Grandma at the cemetery then headed to Inala for Lunch. Help sell Balloons and roses again at Tet festival. Met up with my cousins afterward then walked to my cousin place for a family party. Ate and gambled. We played Bau Cua and Bingo. The money range was like 50c to $3 since there was kids playing aswell. It was pretty fun. Made a profit of $5.50 Yeeeee ! Got LI XI aswell which means MONEY MONEY MONEY !

The main Tet party was held at my place. Ate heaps and I can finally drink with my family Yayers. After eating and drinking. The whole family had to parcipiate in a game created by my dad. We played games every year for Tet LOL. Firstly everyone picked a Li Xi from my tree. Some of the li xi’s are special. They were coins in there that are worth $5 and a piece of paper with a number and three playing cards. A poem was read out and it said something about 5 children’s looking for medicine to cure their mother. Everyone was clueless so my dad gave hints out. There was one coin that had a picture of 5 people on it. It was this one twenty cent coin. The member of the family who got that coin had to crawl around the tree 3 times and then another 6 metres to the 3 prizes. It was my family who had to crawl :(. The next game was 7 games of Bau cua where each family have to be the host once. While playing, our coins was being exchange to different people and no one realised it except my dad who created the game. The second family with the special coin won the second prize but had to crawl under a bridge. If the bridge falls down once then they would have to pass it onto a different family. The bridge fell two times LOL. Then for the last prize everyone has to line up in two lines and we were being drawn on with make up with the person opposite to them. The whole big family had funny faces afterward LOL. Then we all got whacked by a stick where we all have to lay down and get an ass whopping once. We did heaps more but I am too cbf to say it all out. So much laughter. The 1st prize was the hidden prize. Took so many poems and clues to find it LOL. The night was full of laughter and it was so epic. This only happens once a year. Afterward we started to Gamble again by playing Bau Cua and Bingo.  

Another tet party at my cousin place. Had a BBQ and drink and played bau cua. It was so epic Family against familys. Played Super Smash brawl with the kids afterward.

Took my cousins from Canberra out to the city. Just ate, funhouse, shopping and chilled around. Showed them the city of Brisbane. The rain was so lovely LOL. Jokes I was all wet. Lend the umbrella to the other guys.

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