Sunday, January 1, 2012


I got home pretty late yesterday and forgot to blog. Therefore, I will blog about yesterday now. Went to City with Huy. Funhouse, Cyberlounge and went for walks since we needed to do something to kill time. Met Hoa, Steven + his lil bro and Shane then we timezone, pool. Met quite alot of people that I knew. The other guys left early since they drove. Met 2dn group after. Fireworks started. It was pretty. 

Today = WORKWORKWORK. After the boring work I went to a family New Year Party. Just ate and ate.

What I did in 2011 -
  • Finished Highschool
  • Made Tumblr
  • Celebrated Parents 25th Anniversary
  • Allnighted 4 days in a row (I got fcked up so bad LOL)
I don't really remember what I did LOL. I will just leave it like it is now. I am such a lazy bum !

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