Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bad Boy

For lunch, The Viet guy we became friends with, drove us to Sunnybank to eat. He even shouted us when we didn't really want him to. He's so nice ! Ate Viet food for lunch YAY ! So much better than the food at tafe. After Tafe we went to Sunnybank again LOL. This time was with Hoa and we had steak. YUM ! Dropped Toan off then Leon and Hoa came over to mine to chill. Was quite fun.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Missing Piece

Had an exam today and it was very very very easy for me. But I dunno how more than half of the class failed. I didn't even learn anything today since the teacher is such a noob. Why can't Tafe have better teachers.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Did Prac all day today which was great cause we didn't have to sit and listen to the teacher much. Gonna bring my laptop tomorrow so I can have some fun fun fun fun !

Sunday, February 26, 2012


After Youth I went over to Mymy's with Linda, Pumba and Thang to play Wii and chill. Thang went home so the four of us decided to go to Warrigal to eat. The Food there was so good. ONONOMNOMNOM ! Everyone was so full afterward. Chilled around there for quite some time. It's our new outting/eating spot.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gonna Gonna Go!

Work today was boring but then Korean customer came in and was talking. I managed to understand abit cause of all that dramas I watched. The girls was saying "Oppa" alot. It was cute LOL. Got a called when I just got home to go out so Mymy, Hoa and Pumba picked me up while they bought Sushi. Went over to Pumba's to eat and have desserts. Chilled there for like 5 hours LOL. We just talked about heaps of random shit. Sushi was so damn good.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Mymy came over to borrow my psp and grab some anime. Chilled for abit and talked about random stuff LOL. There was nothing else to do so I decided to clean my room. Didn't really clean much though.Trimmed my hair afterward. It's a little bit shorter. Thang came over and chill for abit.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Mymy and Ai-van came over and brought me to GC with them. We picked Thang up at Inala. Went to Bond University apartments to visit a friend. It was so BEAUTIFUL !! DEP QUA DEP QUA ! QUA DEP ! It was like paradise man. The view was just awesome. There were pool tables there and even a swimming pool, mini-beach, spa, steamers and a Gym that is bigger than PCYC. And also a place to relax. EVERYTHING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL !!! Even a Garden in the middle of the apartment !

Went to Surfers Paradise to eat and play around. After eating, Thang and I took our shirt off and gave them to the girls to keep. We just ran to the beach like we dgaf about everything. MAN VS OCEAN ! MAN LOSS LOL. The waves killed us It was cold as since it was raining. There was like only the two of us in the water. There was not even a single person in sight other than us. Played at Timezone afterward in wet pants LOL. Once again, I have a wet ass for the rest of the trip. On the way home we had a free karaoke in the car.

Ai-van dropped us off at Mymy's. We then decided to go to Just Soy Cafe since we want to LOL. Went over to Tam's and picked him up. Drove all the way there just for desserts but it was worth it. Went to Inala afterward for some shopping. Then home we went. Overall it was quite a fun day.

And here are the photos from the apartment. I only took a few though. It was so much more amazing if you saw it in person. 

 Front View of the mini-beach and ocean view if you can see that far.
 The Steamer or Spa. I couldn't tell LOL

 Side view of the pool/beach

Wednesday, February 22, 2012



Tuesday, February 21, 2012


We learnt grade 1-5 English today yay lol jokes Leon and I was sleeping through it.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Took the bus to Tafe for the first time. I used the time that I walked to Inala to check my phonecause I don't know which bus I have to get on and where I have to get off to transfer to another one. I was scared I might get off the wrong stop and be late but I made it in time YAY ! The walk was hot though.

 Got to the first class and they were like 5 people. Dunno where everyone else were. We started to watch this 25 minutes video. Got up to the 20 minutes point of the video and a person came late. So what did the teacher do? He said that we will have to rewatch it since the person who came late missed out on it. We told the teacher that he can just watch it at late time but he just ignored us. Watched to the 15 minutes point this time then another late person came. What did we do? We rewatched it again. After another 20 minutes. Toan came late, so we rewatched the video for the fourth time. FFS man wtf is wrong with this teacher. Wasted 2 hours on an 25 minutes video.

Why must Tafe be so boring. The only new thing I learnt today was that when someone come late, we would have to rewatch whatever we were watching.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hello To Myself

Youth today was quite fun. I was in charge of the tuck-shop with Thang. We just made ice cream for the kids. Try to get the air-con room for the older kids since I am teaching them this year. Managed to get the room for the second lesson :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bow Down

Went and drove around with my mum. Haven't drove in like ages. It's actually quite fun. Went over to Mymy's with the fambam to eat home made lasagne and watch In time. It's quite good. Weird at the beginning though.

Friday, February 17, 2012

To You

Spent my whole day today watching heaps of movies. Anime then Drama then Running Man then Youtube then TV.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Love signs

Went to Inala with mum to get grocery and that's basically what I did all day other than watching Anime and Drama.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

For you

Went to Sunnybank with Leon, Hoa and Denne and had steak. It was good since I was quite hungry. We decided to go back to my place so Denne to grab anime off me and Leon to get psp games. While we were waiting for the things to copy. We played Street Fighter and LOTR. It was funny at some time when something funny happens in the game.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Let Her Know

Happy Tuesday guys ! Jokes. Happy Valentine Day !
So Today I spent my valentine day at Tafe with boys LOL. Spent it with food afterward. Went on tumblr most of the time since the tafe computer didn't block it. Made a new friend today. He was an international from Vietnam and asked for my help to translate. He's nice and kind. I help with with parts of the english. Another friend made :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Friday Night

I created Christmas lights today at tafe and they blink on & off. I even did it like a baus. There was a deaf student in my class and he needed a teacher who translated to him what our teacher was saying in class. I mostly look at the sign language the teacher and student used and I felt quite sad. I just want him to be able to hear. I really wish I have magic that can cure him.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Be My Valentine

First day of Youth and it was alright. I am helping out with teaching the older kids. We have already planned an excursion for them to the city in 4 weeks time. Older kids are so lucky to have me haha. I am such a chillax teacher. Made them do an introduction to everyone one about them so they would get to know each other. Got them to play a few games. Cat&Mouse&LAMB FTW. Joked around with them so much. What a good teacher I am hahaha. Went out with some of the guys and girls. Hogs Breath = Steak Yum ! Mt Cootha for thickshake again and chilled around there for abit. I like completely lost all my energy once we got to Mt Cootha. Dunno why though. Just felt really tired. Went to pool afterward. Took a nap when I got home. Haven't took one in weeks.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Last Fantasy

Sorry for not posting last night. Came home quite late.

So yesterday I went to Corinda with Myvy, Tien and Duyen to get our Koondoo. Corinda sure has changed quite abit. Green bags everywhere. I kinda miss it. We trained it to the city and went shopping... well, the girls did. Met up with everyone else then had KBBQ. Funhouse after and played so many racing games. Played Mt again and it's quite fun since I quit for like 2 years. Went to look for QUT Campus with Myvy and we got kinda lost LOL. Had to ask people how to get there. Met Thuan and had a good talk with him. It was quite fun. Went to CueCity and met up with everyone. Ate then 5 of us set home.

Well I didn't go home. Went to my auntie's place for a party with the Vinaphone crew. BBQ and drank. I didn't drink much though since I had work the next day, that being today. The other workers were like "I can tank work" LOL. Swam in the pool and it was refreshing and really fun. Played with the kids afterward since I didn't want to be at the table drinking anymore. Ping pong, Just dance 3, volley ball, xbox360 and hide n seek. They started to bully me but well, that always happens to me with kids. Watched Open season. 

Most of the kids fell asleep around 12ish so I went back to the pool for a swim by myself. Forever alone! Got home and my bro was pretty drunk. I slapped him and he didn't slap me back Yeeee ! He talks so much though. I couldn't shut him up and he even woke my mum up by turning on her room light and talked about her sleeping since she usually doesn't sleep when the rest of the family aren't home but she slept tonight. Later on he fell asleep in his room with his lights on LOL. I had to turned it off.

And today I went to work feeling so tired but I tanked it for the money LOL. Talked heaps with my aunty again. Linda came and she talked with my aunty aswell haha.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I hopped back onto the Tv to watch ABC kids today since there was nothing else to do and the cartoon nowdays sucks. It's so boring compared to the cartoon I watched back in the glory days. Dunno how the kids now enjoys the cartoons.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Time is up

Tafe today was so boring ! Eight hours of theory on stuff I have already learnt is no fun at all.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Know your name

Cuteee  !
Met Kelvin and Hieu at Tafe. Didn't know there were going to the same Tafe as me. Looks like there are more people from Corinda going to my Tafe now :)

Monday, February 6, 2012


So eight hours of Prac at Tafe turned into like 4 hours of resting LOL. We just watched Videos of Hand tools for 4 hours. Our teacher told us to wear our work clothes but he came in today and told us we don't need it..... Made me wear that kind of clothing on a hot day like today.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bye bye Bed !

 Purpleeee !
Had a youth group meeting at my place. It went on for like an two hours-ish. It was so boring though. Ate Pizza and chilled afterward. Chilled on my bed until it broke. :( Too many people were on it playing around :( Posters went missing and even one of my Pikachu disappeared. Dunno what else is gone yet.... This stuff always happens when someone come into my room.


Follow her blog tumblr twitter and formspring !

~ ~

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Work work work again but alot of people came to Inala again. Saturday is always busy at Inala. Started Dream High 2 and it is okay atm. Not as good as the first one though.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Woke up and started mowing the lawm right away then got called to work. Got out there and hanged with alot of people. Alot of people came to Inala today :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Had Deep Fried Ice cream with David, Myvy and Tuan (Just knew him). Yum ! Trolled Tuan alot hahaha. He was so confused. Chilled with Tony for awhile then went over to my aunty store. Helped her for three hours since I am a good boy and just felt like helping. While helping, we talked about many things LOL. She is so nice to talk with.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

When I can't sing

Eight hours of theory kinda killed me. Was so sleepy since I already know all the stuff we were learning in Physics. Leon fell asleep and I almost aswell. Our teacher is still derp LOL. Came in the room and went back to the staff room to put food in the fridge then came back in room, walks out to get a pen, comes back took the cup of tea back to staff room then back then out to get something else and back in the room. Wasted like 30 minutes just doing that LOL. 4 days weekend, HERE I COME !