Thursday, February 23, 2012


Mymy and Ai-van came over and brought me to GC with them. We picked Thang up at Inala. Went to Bond University apartments to visit a friend. It was so BEAUTIFUL !! DEP QUA DEP QUA ! QUA DEP ! It was like paradise man. The view was just awesome. There were pool tables there and even a swimming pool, mini-beach, spa, steamers and a Gym that is bigger than PCYC. And also a place to relax. EVERYTHING WAS SO BEAUTIFUL !!! Even a Garden in the middle of the apartment !

Went to Surfers Paradise to eat and play around. After eating, Thang and I took our shirt off and gave them to the girls to keep. We just ran to the beach like we dgaf about everything. MAN VS OCEAN ! MAN LOSS LOL. The waves killed us It was cold as since it was raining. There was like only the two of us in the water. There was not even a single person in sight other than us. Played at Timezone afterward in wet pants LOL. Once again, I have a wet ass for the rest of the trip. On the way home we had a free karaoke in the car.

Ai-van dropped us off at Mymy's. We then decided to go to Just Soy Cafe since we want to LOL. Went over to Tam's and picked him up. Drove all the way there just for desserts but it was worth it. Went to Inala afterward for some shopping. Then home we went. Overall it was quite a fun day.

And here are the photos from the apartment. I only took a few though. It was so much more amazing if you saw it in person. 

 Front View of the mini-beach and ocean view if you can see that far.
 The Steamer or Spa. I couldn't tell LOL

 Side view of the pool/beach

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