Sunday, February 12, 2012

Be My Valentine

First day of Youth and it was alright. I am helping out with teaching the older kids. We have already planned an excursion for them to the city in 4 weeks time. Older kids are so lucky to have me haha. I am such a chillax teacher. Made them do an introduction to everyone one about them so they would get to know each other. Got them to play a few games. Cat&Mouse&LAMB FTW. Joked around with them so much. What a good teacher I am hahaha. Went out with some of the guys and girls. Hogs Breath = Steak Yum ! Mt Cootha for thickshake again and chilled around there for abit. I like completely lost all my energy once we got to Mt Cootha. Dunno why though. Just felt really tired. Went to pool afterward. Took a nap when I got home. Haven't took one in weeks.

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