Thursday, July 19, 2012

Game of love

Worked on my Wargreymon cosplay abit then Hoa and Td came over to chill/sleep lol. Went over to pick up Linda and chilled at her place for awhile. Afterward, we headed to Morrisons for steak. Met up with Mymy, Pumba, Andy and Quynh. Yum ! STEAK ! It was so good. After we ate, Andy and Quynh left and we ended up going over to the costume store just to have a look around. 

Drove over to the Barracks for desserts but it turns out, we headed into Coles and got spoons and a tub of ice cream. Mango with Macadamia nuts. Yummy ! Went on a mini-adventure around the place. Afterward, we were meant to meet up at My Om Hungry Jack's but unfortunately, we got lost abit and ended up at Newssted LOL Went hungry jack's at Annerley since we could of got free food. Turns out, we got medium frozen coke and a Whopper there. Drove to Copper plains next and got free Medium Fries. Our last stop was Mt om hungry jack's. We got desserts there :L 2 soft serves and a sundae. I love the hungry jack's app. So much free food !  OMG we ate so much ! I am so full !

Both of us

We looked at an electric car today at Tafe and it was cool ! Bad thing was it could only go up to 80km/h and doesn't last that long but it was cheap to made.

YAY ! Batman midnight screening ! Denis, Hannah, Tony, Hieu, Oscar, Tram and I went and watched it. We found parking at cinema but it was $80 for hours + so we were like fck that so we ended up going to South Bank parking. It was $35 for 5hours +. We got in there for 2 mins and found out that after 1am we had to pay $80 to get out and we were like fck this. Drove out and it cost $15 for like 5 mins parking wtf. So we dropped of the guys/girl then Denis and I drove over to Casino to park there since it was free. 

We got there, and we were like, "we could get our parking money back" We each play one game of wheel of fortune and we both won $5 yay ! Walked to Hungry Jack's to get our free cheeseburger then went on the 100 bus to South Bank. The good thing was, the bus fare was free :) 

Met up with the rest and played Uno/Cards and chilled for like 4 hours until they let us in the movies. We showed them our ticket and everyone lined up and they made us stand up for an hour sigh. It was so hot but the movie was good ! Good movie ! After the movie ended, the five of us excluding Oscar and Tram walked over to the casino since we parked there lol. Went to maccas for a some snacks on the way home.

I am gonna attempt to allnight now since I am not tired at all.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sexy Lady

Well, the teacher took half of the class to do prac and left the other half back just to do nothing. We were just playing on the computer lol. Then, we finally watched a movie at tafe. yay :) My friend was like "Can we watch Iron Man? It has like electrical stuff in it " LOL We watched "The iIconvenient truth" The movie was abit interesting but I have watched it before so I was like half asleep most of the time. When the movie ended, half of the class were like sleeping LOL 

Monday, July 16, 2012


Nothing really excited happened today. All I did at Tafe was learn Imaginary numbers again which is so boring. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Went to inala with Mymy, Td and Pumba and got bmt. Chilled at Mymy's until it was time to go youth. We had a BBQ so I was running around getting stuff everywhere ! BBQ was alright. Headed to DFO afterward with Mymy, Td, Pumba, Linda, Hoa and binh. Just went around shopping then Ice creaaaaam  at Baskin Robbins. It was good. Got free ice cream at Hungry jack's afterward. Mymy, Linda, Td and I went back to Mymy's then Td and I went and took a nap :L

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Just another day at work, didn't really do much. It is such a boring night tonight. Didn't do anything cept watch one Running Man episode. It wasn't that good, hopefully the next episode will be good.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Work today went quite fast even though, I didn't really do much. Just sat there playing with my phone. Went to church and met some of the fambam then Youth meeting next. Meeting was quite interesting and I found out, I am gonna teach younger kids now YAY ! Old kids are so hard to handle. 

Went on a mini-road trip with Mymy, Linda and Td since most of the roads were blocked on our way to Milton. But in the end, we got there ! Went around restaurants seeing what is good and cheap to eat. Ended up eating pizza LOL 1 meter pizza FTW and OMG, Ice cream afterward was so much ! Took ages to eat three big scoops. Way home was quite funny cause a car in front of us splashed water at us LOL it was scary but funny at the same time.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Stayed home most of the day watching both of the Batman movies. Batman marathon yeeee ! Can't wait till the next one that's coming out next week. Went over to grandparents to setup their tv. I gotta get my cosplay  ready asap cause I know, if I leave it to last minute again. I will have to rush everything again :L

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Spent 7 hours at tafe in class with no teacher LOL. Our teacher didn't turn up and we didn't even get a sub to replace him, so we were just there waiting for him to come but nooo he didn't come at all :L Wasted a day doing nothing. Tafe is gay ! 

Went Job Hunting for awhile. Someone hire me pleaseee ! I need your money !

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Tafe was so long today. Didn't really learnt much aswell. I hate tuesdaaay ! 

Monday, July 9, 2012


First day of tafe was quite boring. We had our old retarded teacher as a sub today and he was.... sigh. During teaching a problem to us, he randomly went and showed us photos of his family and him back in the days and a video of him driving LOL. Timetable are quite good. Still Monday - Wednesday :) 

Went to Element collective in the valley with Mymy and Vi. This time, we learnt  break-dancing. It was so tiring but it was gooood ! Long day at tafe tomorrow :(

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Went to the trung tam to vote but I wasn't signed up so I was there just playing with khoa. Came home and slept most of the day since I have Tafe tomorrow. Went and picked up my bro at the airport which was boring cause all I did was sat in the car leading the way. I don't wanna wake up early for tafe :( My boring life starts again now. Bye bye fun life !


Work today was busy as ! Didn't spent much time with Tony since we were both busy. I was so bored after work and Denis and Tony asked me if I wanted to go cas. We got there and played then eat at cafe 21 then played again. The food was good ! I was so full man ! It was a goodnight ! Good chillaxing cas sesh.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Palm Of My Hands

Dear Internet.
 Stop being a bitch ! 
Love, your Pokemon Master, Lam D Nguyen
After work today, I got dropped off at my grandparents place since I lent my house keys to them. Chilled with them for abit. When I was about to leave and go home, they offered me dinner and I was like "no thank you" but their insisted so I went and only ate abit. Talking to my grandpa is so much fun ! Got home then waited until mummy came home so I can have dinner with her. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day by day

Stayed home and clean my room more and just watched anime. Mymy picked me up in the afternoon then we headed over to Pumba's to grab him. Headed to West End so we can grab some Korean foood at Dodomi but they were busy until 5:30 so we just wandered around the street. Went into a pub then to Grill'd for some chips then back to Dodomi. It was so nice and good. Love that place. Headed into West end Garden for some deep fried ice cream afterward. It was good cause it was ice cream :L We were quite full after all that eating. 

Holidays are almost over ! It went so fast man ! It felt like it just started but it's almost over. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Pocket Full of Dreams

Took my grandparents, daddy and the guest to Movie world and Sea world. All we did was basically watched shows. It was boring for me since I have already seen the shows like 532942385 times and they walked so slow but I guess, it was really fun for then so that was good. Glad I made others have fun. Came home to see all my family over at my place for a party. 

All I did when I got home was pee'd then Mymy & Lien was already outside my house to pick me up. Went and picked up Vi and Ai-Van then off to the valley for our first dance class. Got to Elements Collective which was the studio then we started to dance with our class. It was hard when the teacher did it so fast and we couldn't caught up with her :L We did the Beginner Foundations class. We even leant how to pop LOL That was hard ! Checked out the pole dancing class afterward. I never knew guys can pole dance aswell :L I kept thinking to myself, 'Doesn't it hurt down there' LOL 

Ai van and I came back to mine to enjoy the party. First moment when I walked into my room was omfg.... My room turned into an upside down room. All my poster were upside down and my plush and toys were everywhere ! Everything was on the floor and omg. Total mess ! I was like fck that LOL Then ate and drank. The whole big family watched Origin and YAY ! Queensland won ! 7 Years Yo ! 

Cleaned my house afterward with mummy then I had to go clean my room. Went to pour out used coke cans down the sink and wtf... One of them had water or something inside, the liquid wasn't the colour of coke ewww.



Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sexy, Free & Single

Work today went quite fast for some reason. Ingham Reunion ! Tony, Ronnie, Thuan, Vinh, Neilson and I went into Tony's car so we felt the same pressure as before. Had soft serve at FL then picked up John. I had to sit under the front seat just like a kids does back in the days. I was under Ronnie LOL. Not a comfy place I must say. This meant 7 people in the Corolla :L Ate at Brodies after since it was Chicken and Ingham is CHICKEN ! It was a good feast :) 

Went to Inala to picked up Tony cousin which made it turn into 8 people in the car. This time, we placed Vinh in the boot LOL and I was still under Ronnie. Drove over to Ronnie's and played Ping Pong. Brandan was also there. It was a good game :L 

I also got my wedding invitation :D

Monday, July 2, 2012

Like this

Went to Indro and watched Brave with Mande, her sister, Hannah and her cousion. The movie was quite alright. I kinda like it. Ate afterward and one of the kids forgot their jumper in the cinema so I had to go back there and asked for it. We found it though :) 

Came out to Inala and chilled with Tony, Denis and Brandan. Drove to Overflow in upper mt gravaat but sundenlly, there wasn't any overflow there anymore so we shopped at Amart allsport instead. 

Had a guest from vietnam over so the family and I took him to Mt Cootha then a cruise around the city.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Shout It Out

Went out to Youth Outting today. Laserforce was up first. Sighh at my SarahLe username LOL. Came first in most of the games and the random little kids were like, who is this SarahLe? LOL Drove to South Bank for a BBQ. Chilled then played punishment volley ball. Had to do pushup LOL. More chilling and onomnomnom.

 Afterward, half of the group went home while the other half including me went to San Churro. Waited for ages to get our churros. But since we waited so long and they had bad customer service towards us and stuffed our order up. They gave us 50% off. YAY :) Instead of paying $80ish we ended up paying $40ish. It was quite nice or maybe we were so hungry~

Drove back and had church then Linda and I went over to Mymy's to watch Wrath of the Titans. Watched Date night afterward aswell :L