Thursday, July 19, 2012

Both of us

We looked at an electric car today at Tafe and it was cool ! Bad thing was it could only go up to 80km/h and doesn't last that long but it was cheap to made.

YAY ! Batman midnight screening ! Denis, Hannah, Tony, Hieu, Oscar, Tram and I went and watched it. We found parking at cinema but it was $80 for hours + so we were like fck that so we ended up going to South Bank parking. It was $35 for 5hours +. We got in there for 2 mins and found out that after 1am we had to pay $80 to get out and we were like fck this. Drove out and it cost $15 for like 5 mins parking wtf. So we dropped of the guys/girl then Denis and I drove over to Casino to park there since it was free. 

We got there, and we were like, "we could get our parking money back" We each play one game of wheel of fortune and we both won $5 yay ! Walked to Hungry Jack's to get our free cheeseburger then went on the 100 bus to South Bank. The good thing was, the bus fare was free :) 

Met up with the rest and played Uno/Cards and chilled for like 4 hours until they let us in the movies. We showed them our ticket and everyone lined up and they made us stand up for an hour sigh. It was so hot but the movie was good ! Good movie ! After the movie ended, the five of us excluding Oscar and Tram walked over to the casino since we parked there lol. Went to maccas for a some snacks on the way home.

I am gonna attempt to allnight now since I am not tired at all.

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