Friday, July 13, 2012


Work today went quite fast even though, I didn't really do much. Just sat there playing with my phone. Went to church and met some of the fambam then Youth meeting next. Meeting was quite interesting and I found out, I am gonna teach younger kids now YAY ! Old kids are so hard to handle. 

Went on a mini-road trip with Mymy, Linda and Td since most of the roads were blocked on our way to Milton. But in the end, we got there ! Went around restaurants seeing what is good and cheap to eat. Ended up eating pizza LOL 1 meter pizza FTW and OMG, Ice cream afterward was so much ! Took ages to eat three big scoops. Way home was quite funny cause a car in front of us splashed water at us LOL it was scary but funny at the same time.

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