Sunday, August 26, 2012

I am your leader

Work today was alright. Less using mah phone and more chilling with David and Tony. After work, I rushed to the bus stop and met up with most of 2dn there. We headed to South Bank. Randy, Hannah and Ronnie was also on the bus with us. Once at South Bank, we met up with Hong and Lynn then started to find where Anthony bbq is. Walked around the whole Sb. Met Mande then chilled at the bbq area with Anthony and his QA friends. Mostly went on the play ground and played on the slide, swing and spinning thingo. It was so much fun :L HBD ANTHONY ! Chilled after bbq-ing then caught the ferry to the apartment at Kangaroo Point. While on the ferry, chilled on the top with a few guys/girl and the view was nice. Got to the apartment and PARTY ! I didn't really drank alot but man, taking care of people really does take a lot of effort :L Met some new people and became friends with them. After the party ended. We waited ages for the Cab to come outside. 

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