Monday, February 28, 2011


 Woo Autumn tomorrow :) Hopefully it will cool down in Autumn.

My goals for Autumn :

  • Gain 10 kg
  • Study Hard
  • Reformat Laptop
  • Get Fit
  • Find a new theme for Blog 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jae Suk

After Youth group The teachers/some tearchers apprentice went to the city. We went to Yum Cha at King of Kings in the Valley. I saw a waiter who looks like Jae Suk in Running Man. I stared at him the whole time while we were eating LOL. Make me Laughed so much. He was a younger version of Jae Suk. Afterward we went to Myer Center food court the meet up with the rest of the crew. We then head out to Cue city for some karoke and pool. I should've been studying thoughout the day but that didn't go well. :(

Saturday, February 26, 2011


BIGBANG - Tonight

 My day :

  • Tutor
  • Updated on music (8)
  • Running Man ep's 26 & 27 :)
  • English Intervention
  • Chem Sleep zzZZZzzZZ
  • Maths B
  • Babysitting 
  • KFC Yum!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Marvel vs Capcom 3

As you can see my previous post wasn't mine. Alex Boss Dang was using my laptop and posted up c'est la vie. LOL. My day was alright. Went to Kevin's house with Alex after school. He bought Marvel vs Capcom 3 and it was a really really awesome game besides all the flashing that killed my eyes.

c'est la vie

I love, therefore I am

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Foot long sub please

 One Meatball foot long sub with Italian heard, cheddar cheese, lettuces, BBQ sauce and heated please~

Ate subway with Tony and Thuan after school. We were having our gay time together. Jokes, it was only Thuan and Tony who were having gay time. Afterward I met Kevin, Tiffany, Toan, Steven and Hieu at Inala Civic. Went and rides on the bike machines that costed $2. It was moving quite slow LOL. We are so childish. Everyone were looking at us. It was quite embarrassing. Had an awesome talk with Kevin Le on the way home. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My day was boring. Had to check my Tamagotchi like every hour or so. It grew into an apple like pet. So cuteee~!.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I had revived my four year old Tamagotchi. :) It is currently sleeping atm. zzZZzzZZZ Can't wait till it wakes up so I can get some more points and buy my sexy sunnies. My Pet gonna be seedy as.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Love the smell of rain.

School was quite hot and humid Today.The good thing is that three of my classes were in the air-con. :) It started to storm in the afternoon. Huy and I was getting hammered by the rain while we ran from the bus stop to Inala Civic. :(

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cutie Pinks

 Pinks playing Lego

At my Youth group thing we have ranks. Each person have to wear a scarf which represent which ranks they are in.

The ranks are :
Pink (6-7 years old)
Green (8-10 years old)
Blue (11-12 years old)
Yellow (13-16 years old)
Red (Apprentice teacher)
Red with yellow strips (Teacher)
There are also higher ranks.


I am in red so I help the teachers teach.

I taught the pink group. We played games such as Dog and the bone, Duck duck goose, Cat and Mouse, Statue, pass the ball, get to know each other games and other games. They are so cutteee and adorable. I can't believe how much energy they have. Kind of remind me of my past when I was a pink. I was so hyper back then and still is now sometimes LOL.

 Playing the Statue game.

Went to Sunny Bank for Dinner with my Family and my cousin. :) Ate at Little Hong Kong. The food was alright.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Nem Nướng

Mum made me Nem Nuong.<3

I was planning to spend the whole day studying but that didn't work out.  Procrastinate so much. :S Cut my own hair today. It turn out to be alright. :) Didn't cut the back because I was too scared I might fck it up again like the other time I cut it.

Dream within a dream

Had the weirdest dream last night. The dream was about me going to school as usual and doing the usual thing but then during English class I fell asleep and had another dream. Wtf is this, A dream within a dream. Some Inception shit right here.

Friday, February 18, 2011




I choose art for my sport. It was qute fun, bludge the whole lesson. Drew Pichu and Charizard. I manage to make my Pichu much more cuter with the help of Randy's awesome skills. Other than that school was very boring today. Did absolute nothing at lunch break.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Late Night Lamp

Late night with Huy, Hoa, Hoc and Oscar. Just chillin at Indro, just chilling. Ate Sushi which cost heaps then went to Funhouse. Played pool and Tekken. Afterward we went across cheap as lamp in Kmart. It was only $3 so we bought 8. We are such asians LOL. Missed the bus so we cab it home. Good thing we didn't take the bus or else we would had to carry 8 boxes of lamp onto the bus.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Game

Sorry I had just lost the Game.

For all you guys who don't know about the game -

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


2nd period at school we had SLP lessons. Everyone was spit up and had different classes and teachers. On my timetable it told me to go to D08 and my teacher was Mrs McGuire but when I entered the room my name and others student name wasn't on the roll. We were then moved to C04 with Mrs Redman but she already have a different class in there. Also the people who is not going for an OP path way was just wondering the school because there didn't have any thing written on their timetables. So basically everyone was lost. Corinda = Epic FAIL. Afterward we went to assembly and Mrs Pedley and Mrs Jamieson wanted to have a talk with the grade 12's. They were hard out raging at us about some Facebook convo talking about Corinda School or something like that.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!

School was really really boring Today since most of the my friends are on Bio Camp. There were like 6-9 students in each of my classes. Two more days of boring school. Sigh. Hope everyone is having fun on camp. I miss you guys.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Name is Randy

I procrastinate so much Today. Was meant to study but I ended up trolling people on MSN. I changed my msn Display name to Randy and stole his Display picture, pm and font. I used the main phrase "Have you packed yet" to most of the people who are going to Bio Camp tomorrow. Laughed so much :)

Have fun and stay safe to whoever is going to Bio Camp tomorrow. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pikachu ♥

I was looking though my old boxes of toys and I happen to find another Pikachu that I used to keep. This time it was a Pikachu with a clock attached to it. Another Pikachu added to my collection. :) YAY! 

Friday, February 11, 2011


Today Vinh and I handed out Valentines roses to 12K. 2/3 of the bucket was made up of Mande's roses. I brought people roses using the name SarahLe. But for some reason I got roses from SarahLe. Wtf is this. I'm the one and only SarahLe. Btw I didn't buy roses for myself.
Thank you for thoses who gave me roses and Valentines gift. THANK YOU!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I stayed back after school to help wrap the roses. It was quite fun. Thorn = Ouch. After wrapping we had to staple the card on the roses. There were one card named Catlin Le but it didn't have a form class on it. So Tiffany, Vinh, Denne, Leon and I started to look into each box of roses in search for Catlin Le form class. We searched everywhere but couldn't find it. FCK YOU CATLIN. After a while Tiffany found out that Catlin form class was written on the back of the card. FML.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jay Park

HAHAHAHAHA Thought I had Jay Park as a friend but it was only Brandan.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Swimming Carnival

Today our school had Swimming Carnival. It was quite boring at times but at least it's way better than school.
Afterward Huy, Hieu, Toan and I went to Inala to eat. We sat down at the food court and ate Golden Law. While eating a random asian chick came and sat next to us. It was so awkwarddd. She asked us what School we go to. Huy quickly answered "Can't you tell by looking at our shirt". LOL. She said it was a dare but then Huy asked her who dared her. She took a while to answer the question. She said that her friends dared her. We then asked her "which friends dared you?". She slowly answered that they were at the Library. Lmao. At the Library LOLOLOL. Can't believe she asked us if we have Facebook. She better not stalk us. Afterward she left and we all loss our appetite to eat.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Stole this Survey off Mary Blog.

Name: Lam Nguyen.
Single or Taken: Single.
Sex: Male and also Female.
Birthday: 2nd January 1994.
Eye colour: Dark brown.

What am i wearing: Nothing jokes, Sleepwear.
Where do i live: Inala, QLD, Australia
Righty or Lefty? Righty
About me: I have two personalty. One is my normal self and the other one is SarahLe LOL. I Love to troll people on Facebook. I'm the youngest in the family.

Favourite place to shop? City & Indro.
Colour: Baby Blue, Black and PINK!
Boys name: Raine.

Girls name: Sarah.
Animal: Fish.
Number: 020611
Season: Spring.
Month: December & January.
Drama: Too many to think of.
Juice: Orange <3
Breakfast: Pancakes.

Milk: Coffee.

Given anybody a bath: Don't think so.
Smoked: Never!
Bungee jumped: Nope.
Eaten a dog: Kind of.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Nup.
Loved someone so much it made you cry: .....
Broken a bone: Yes
Played truth or dare: Always

Been in a physical fight: noppe.
Been in a police car: no.
Been in a hot tube: nope.
Swam in the ocean: no.
Fallen asleep in school: yes
Ran away: ...From?

Broken someones heart: Don't think so
Cried when someone died: Of course
Cried in school: Yes
Fell off your chair: ROFL Yup!
Sat by the phone all night for someone to call: not yet.
Saved an AIM/MSN convo: Their automatically saved LOL.

Your good luck charm: Don't have one

Best song youve ever heard: Dunno.
Your room like: Air-con <3 & some poster on wall.
Last thing you ate: Egg Sand-witch.
What shampoo do you use: Pantene.
Do you believe in karma: Not really.

Chicken pox: Yup
Period: My other self had

Stiches: Nup.
Sore throat: Heaps.
Broken nose: No

Believe love at first sight: Nope.
Like picnics: Yuuuup.
Like school: Of course I like school Jokes GTFO SCHOOL!
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: depends if the hamster is cute or not.
Who was the last person that called you: My Tutor LOL.
What makes you laugh the most: Running Man.

You yelled at: My Brother.
Who broke your heart: ....

Who is your loudest friend: Toan.

DO YOU - again.
Like filling these out: yeah their alright.
Wear contacts or glasses: nope.
Like yourself: Of course LOL.
Get along with your family: Yup except my Brother.

Obsessive: ...noo
Compulsive: Nope.
Anorexic: Hmmm....

What are you listening to atm: Beast - Breath.
What did you do yesterday: Study.
Hate someone in your family: Brother some times
What car do you wish to have: 'Lam'borghini
Where do you wanna get married: idunno.
How many remote controls do you have in the house: 5.. I think.
Are you double jointed: Nope.
Last time you took a bath/shower: bath: When I was 10ish ? Shower: Today.
The last movie you saw at the cinemas: Love and Other drugs.
Scary or happy movies: Both.
Black or white: Asian.
Root beer or dr pepper: ....
Vanilla or chocolate: Both.
Sunset or sunrise: sunset. (:
Sprite or 7UP: Aren't they the same?
Cats or dogs: DOGIIES.
Coffee or tea: Coffee. (YY)
Phone or person: Person
Are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Youngest.
Indoor or outdoor: both. :D

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today Hoa, Thang and I went over to Toan's house to relax after our training session to become a teacher for a youth group thing. We played 13 and Monopoly. Afterward everyone went and did their own thing. Hoa went to sleep, Loan and Tanya watched drama, Thang played DotA, Toan watched Thang while I was playing hide n seek with Toan's little brother. He is soo damn cutee! Two hours later it started to get boring at Toan's house so Thang and I decided to go to my house and play. We were watching Borat. That shit is funny as. While watching I fell asleep and when I woke up Thang had started watching "Never back down". The day was quite relaxing.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Four Candles

There were four Candles.
The four candles burn slowly.
The ambiance was so soft you could hear them talking.
The first one said "I AM PEACE! However, nobody can keep me lit. I believe I will go out."
The second one says "I AM FAITH! Most of all, I am no longer indispensable, so it doesn't make any sense that I say lit any longer."
Sadly, The Third Candle spoke in its turn "I AM LOVE! I haven't got the strength to stay lit. People put me aside and don't understand my importance. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them.
Slowly the three candles goes out.
A child enters the room and sees three candles not burning.
"Why are you not burning? You are supposed to stay lit till the end."
Saying this, the child begins beings to cry.
Then the fourth candle said "Don't be afraid, while I am still burning we can re-light the other candles, I am HOPE!"
With shining eyes, the child took the candle of hope and lit the other candles.
The flame of Hope should never go out from you life.
And that each of us can maintain Hope, Faith, Peace and Love!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Li Xi

My family celebrate Tet Today at my house. We ate, pillow fight, watch Despicable Me and gamble. Later on we had a draw. Every person in the family had they name in the box. Three people were chosen then another 3 were chosen and went into my brother room. When they came out three people had been drew on. One of my uncles were dress like Rambo. LMAO. It was so funny how my uncle had to open the present by using his mouth. The present were wrapped like 15 times. I Lol'ed so much.

There were Li xi hanging on one of my trees. Everyone in the family each took one. Opened it and found out there were only $5 in it. But the secret isn't the $5. There were different codes on each notes. Then only one person with the unique code can win the prize. Unlucky that person wasn't me. There were a total of three prizes but in the end there were a hidden prize which were a Huge as fish that came from Canberra when I headed down there.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Year of The Cat

Chuc Mung Nam Moi Everyone!

Hope you all have fun this year.
Have fun celebrating Tet.
Unfortunately we don't have Tet Festival this year due to the devastating Floods and Cyclones in Queensland.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chinese New Year Eve

Ate Congee for dinner. :)) Why does congee taste soo good. WHY!? Can't wait till midnight nah jokes I'll be sleeping. Hope you all have a good Chinese New Year Eve!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


After school I went to Inala Civic with Thuan, Hoa and Tony. On the way walking home I met my Grandpa who has just came to Brisbane from Canberra. I totally forgot that he was coming today. Got a lift home :) Around 8ish Most of my uncle's and auntie's came over to visit my grandpa and step grandma since they were staying at my place like always. It was kind of like a mini party thing. I served them Che and Home made Lemonade since I didn't have any good food in my house at that time. My little small cousin started a pillow fight with me. Went on for ages LOL. Never thought a pillow would hurt so much when you get hit on the face.

I'm gonna have a good night sleep tonight on the couch. -Sarcasm-