Monday, February 7, 2011


Stole this Survey off Mary Blog.

Name: Lam Nguyen.
Single or Taken: Single.
Sex: Male and also Female.
Birthday: 2nd January 1994.
Eye colour: Dark brown.

What am i wearing: Nothing jokes, Sleepwear.
Where do i live: Inala, QLD, Australia
Righty or Lefty? Righty
About me: I have two personalty. One is my normal self and the other one is SarahLe LOL. I Love to troll people on Facebook. I'm the youngest in the family.

Favourite place to shop? City & Indro.
Colour: Baby Blue, Black and PINK!
Boys name: Raine.

Girls name: Sarah.
Animal: Fish.
Number: 020611
Season: Spring.
Month: December & January.
Drama: Too many to think of.
Juice: Orange <3
Breakfast: Pancakes.

Milk: Coffee.

Given anybody a bath: Don't think so.
Smoked: Never!
Bungee jumped: Nope.
Eaten a dog: Kind of.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Nup.
Loved someone so much it made you cry: .....
Broken a bone: Yes
Played truth or dare: Always

Been in a physical fight: noppe.
Been in a police car: no.
Been in a hot tube: nope.
Swam in the ocean: no.
Fallen asleep in school: yes
Ran away: ...From?

Broken someones heart: Don't think so
Cried when someone died: Of course
Cried in school: Yes
Fell off your chair: ROFL Yup!
Sat by the phone all night for someone to call: not yet.
Saved an AIM/MSN convo: Their automatically saved LOL.

Your good luck charm: Don't have one

Best song youve ever heard: Dunno.
Your room like: Air-con <3 & some poster on wall.
Last thing you ate: Egg Sand-witch.
What shampoo do you use: Pantene.
Do you believe in karma: Not really.

Chicken pox: Yup
Period: My other self had

Stiches: Nup.
Sore throat: Heaps.
Broken nose: No

Believe love at first sight: Nope.
Like picnics: Yuuuup.
Like school: Of course I like school Jokes GTFO SCHOOL!
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: depends if the hamster is cute or not.
Who was the last person that called you: My Tutor LOL.
What makes you laugh the most: Running Man.

You yelled at: My Brother.
Who broke your heart: ....

Who is your loudest friend: Toan.

DO YOU - again.
Like filling these out: yeah their alright.
Wear contacts or glasses: nope.
Like yourself: Of course LOL.
Get along with your family: Yup except my Brother.

Obsessive: ...noo
Compulsive: Nope.
Anorexic: Hmmm....

What are you listening to atm: Beast - Breath.
What did you do yesterday: Study.
Hate someone in your family: Brother some times
What car do you wish to have: 'Lam'borghini
Where do you wanna get married: idunno.
How many remote controls do you have in the house: 5.. I think.
Are you double jointed: Nope.
Last time you took a bath/shower: bath: When I was 10ish ? Shower: Today.
The last movie you saw at the cinemas: Love and Other drugs.
Scary or happy movies: Both.
Black or white: Asian.
Root beer or dr pepper: ....
Vanilla or chocolate: Both.
Sunset or sunrise: sunset. (:
Sprite or 7UP: Aren't they the same?
Cats or dogs: DOGIIES.
Coffee or tea: Coffee. (YY)
Phone or person: Person
Are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Youngest.
Indoor or outdoor: both. :D

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