Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Swimming Carnival

Today our school had Swimming Carnival. It was quite boring at times but at least it's way better than school.
Afterward Huy, Hieu, Toan and I went to Inala to eat. We sat down at the food court and ate Golden Law. While eating a random asian chick came and sat next to us. It was so awkwarddd. She asked us what School we go to. Huy quickly answered "Can't you tell by looking at our shirt". LOL. She said it was a dare but then Huy asked her who dared her. She took a while to answer the question. She said that her friends dared her. We then asked her "which friends dared you?". She slowly answered that they were at the Library. Lmao. At the Library LOLOLOL. Can't believe she asked us if we have Facebook. She better not stalk us. Afterward she left and we all loss our appetite to eat.

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